
  1. Did Ana just say reproductive issues and gay rights are fringe issues? Just in LA over 6,000 gay and lesbian youth are homeless because of their sexual orientation. In the states of Mississippi, Arkansas, Missouri, North Dakota and South Dakota women have only 1 clinic available to them where they can get a safe abortion. To the thousands of women who have to travel over 300 miles to get a legal procedure that depletes them of their life savings would have an issue with their rights being restricted referred to as a ‘fringe issue’. Young people who would otherwise be in homes are forced to sleep on the streets and risk getting robbed, raped and killed. These aren’t fringe issues. Almost 40% of ALL homeless youth identify as LGBT. These are American citizens who are being disenfranchised both socially and economically! Bernie Sanders message speaks to ALL Americans and not just a few people at the top and that’s clearly lost on Ana.

    1. She corrected herself the minute she said it, I think what she said was very important and is a weakness of Sanders and is almost quite the opposite of what you’re saying. The fact is, Bernie says he’s against money in politics, then the Hillary campaign comes in and says that he’s a poet and that he doesn’t care about day to day politics and she uses groups like LGBT or the black community (like pandering to Obama voters in South Carolina). Bernie usually doesn’t answer that, or just repeats his original point (which seems to also be successful so far btw).

      What Ana is saying, is that he never addresses all the groups that Hillary tries to win over directly and drives the money in politics point home by linking the issues (Ana said “all those issues are influenced by money in politics”). And to be fair, I think that is one of his biggest weaknesses – example?

      Hillary Clinton speaks of “systemic racism”, she mentions Flint, Michigan. Now Bernie said nothing about Ferguson and the fact that money in politics and tax cuts for the rich are responsible for making individual racism systemic, that the police went after blacks and was backed by the system to hide the fact that they stole money out of the peoples pockets by giving those huge gifts to their donor buddies. If he did that, he’d made the connection, linked the issues and hence driven home that and WHY “money in politics” is the most important issue – so, the “Hillary has the black vote”, “Bernie is not appealing to minority votes” etc still stick…

      1. I like the way you tied issues like racism, money in politics and police corruption together because that’s exactly right. It’s almost like money in politics is the cancer and everything else is a symptom of the cancer. My only issue with Ana’s statement, and it goes back beyond this episode, is her willingness to unequivocally state one issue is more important than the other without providing evidence. You masterfully showed how Hilary likes to use buzzwords to attract minority and women votes without linking systemic racism and sexism to root problems like money in politics. In that sense, Bernie could be a bit more like Hillary and simply point to his civil rights record and his senate votes to drive home the point. The reason he doesn’t do that, i’m guessing, is that he’s like a heroic war vet who served but doesn’t need to brag about his heroism.

        Still, one can’t put issues that require urgent action on the back burner until we get money out of politics. We can walk and chew gum at the same time. Obama is by no means a perfect President but he did take the initial step to no longer defend DOMA and cover birth control in the Affordable Care Act. Would getting money out of politics make those issues mute? Probably. But we can’t take that chance! All issues matter!

        1. I totally agree with the 2nd paragraph as well, that’s just not how I interpreted her statement. Again, I thought it was more about the concrete political strategy I described…

  2. With respect to Ana’s wish that Bernie would talk a lot about money in politics — I have watched every speech Bernie has given (onYoutube) and in every speech he explains to people what has happened as a result of Citizens United, and he teaches them what it has meant, how it has changed politics, etc. I think he’s a good teacher. (I always wish I could have taken a course with him.) Most times he talks about it in his town halls, he gets a standing ovation.

    1. I think what she said and what happens during the debates (and I see as one of his biggest weaknesses) is, that he doesn’t link all the other issues back to money in politics. Bernie says he’s against money in politics, then the Hillary campaign comes in and says that he’s a poet and that he doesn’t care about day to day politics and she uses groups like LGBT or the black community (like pandering to Obama voters in South Carolina). Bernie usually doesn’t answer that, or just repeats his original point (which seems to also be successful so far btw).

      What Ana is saying, is that he never addresses all the groups that Hillary tries to win over directly and drives the money in politics point home by linking the issues (Ana said “all those issues are influenced by money in politics”). And to be fair, I think that is one of his biggest weaknesses – example?

      Hillary Clinton speaks of “systemic racism”, she mentions Flint, Michigan. Now Bernie said nothing about Ferguson and the fact that money in politics and tax cuts for the rich are responsible for making individual racism systemic, that the police went after blacks and was backed by the system to hide the fact that they stole money out of the peoples pockets by giving those huge gifts to their donor buddies. If he did that, he’d made the connection, linked the issues and hence driven home that and WHY “money in politics” is the most important issue – so, the “Hillary has the black vote”, “Bernie is not appealing to minority votes” etc still stick…

    1. I just realized I am Hillary Clinton. I can’t wish that Ben, Wes, Mark, Michael, Steve, Dave, Malcolm or Jayar is the the third commentor on the debates? Those are so many good choices!

      1. I’m totally with you. She just said Bernie Sanders doesn’t talk enough about money in politics! Bernie Sanders!! That’s like saying Trump doesn’t talk enough about himself! She really needs to stay out of the politics hour and debate coverage.

    1. Totally agreed. I like John a lot but he does seem to really like the sound of his own voice. I get that with TYT if you don’t interject sometimes you may never get your point in, but John does take it a bit far.

    1. Nope. Just labeled wrong on the other page…it is the 1/25 wrap up. But still haven’t seen most of the town hall meeting cuz of website issues. Please post it.

    1. Please post it. Your website wouldn’t play the live coverage for me at all & only caught the ass end on YouTube! Love this stuff!

      1. usually they upload the rest a day or so later because it takes much longer time to trans-code. this is why they always have the wrap up uploaded first, and 2-3 days later the full version.

        1. Yeah figured something like that but we are missing a whole GOP Debate. Forget the date off the top of my head.

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