Ana, Jimmy Dore and Johnny Sprinkles hosting. Fox and Friends ask MLK Jr.’s niece if he would feel bad on the war on the police and Black Lives Matter. Fox then reports on police violence on MLK day, cashing in on the badly timed violence. Joe Walsh tweets out a series of ignorant things about how white people cannot celebrate MLK Jr. day. They then discuss how lots of whites cannot see the black community beyond their own personal views.
Marco Rubio expressed his ownership of firearms from this past Christmas. He was simultaneously supporting the 2nd amendment in favor of his campaign, while fear mongering to help gain supporters. Hillary Clinton reacts to Bernie Sanders’s opinion on free health care. Bernie also laid out his health plan specifics and how most of the raised taxes fall on the rich. Donald Trump’s popularity is far lower than a lot of voters realize via stats. Bernie Sanders rating is not only much higher but the only positive statistic on the chart.
Donald Trump’s recent allegations towards a justice that voted for Obama Care. The panel admits Obama Care hasn’t been flawless, however it has made a difference. As opposed to how Republicans keep trying to set us back.
Hour 1 Source Articles:
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Republican deadbeat dad Joe Walsh thinks MLK would go on Fox News to say ‘all lives matter’
Bernie Sanders Releases Health Plan And It’s Even More Ambitious Than You Thought
Fox & Friends asks Martin Luther King, Jr.’s niece if MLK would feel bad about the ‘war on police’
Trump: Chief Justice Roberts Is An ‘Absolute Disaster’
Oh – that Joe Walsh.
Take It Easy TYT. Joe Walsh is cool.
What is he talking about? – I thought FOX was KKK.
Jimmy keeps saying that US is rich, actually you’re broke. You just keep printing money randomly. If a company or a person has a massive , unreal dept that they can never repay, what do you call that situation ? Broke.
Nope. We are rich. You have a false libertarian understanding of how printing money and debt works when you’re a world empire with the global reserve currency.
Not all of us pushing 70 watch Fox News. Got yesterday’s TYT videos cued up right now.
Is it wrong that I started liking Joe Walsh after that Cenk Uygur interview with him? I don’t agree with Walsh politically, but at least he is a libertarian.
Excellent performance from Ana. Chalk and cheese. Keep it up!
I’m Canadian. We have a form of universal healthcare that, while not perfect, takes care of our healthcare needs. Many Canadians also have extended healthcare plans that involve insurance companies. Many employers cover half the premiums. This combination appears to be a realistic goal for Americans, as it combines the features of both public & private plans. If the two Democratic presidential candidates want to do something constructive, they could stop bashing each other & hammer out a plan similar to the Canadian system.
Alright, I think I am a member now. I just signed up as a member to the young turks. So, I can give sage advice. to Anahit. (Anahit is so much prettier then “Ana”). She (Anahit) commented before the republican debate that she is losing money in her retirement account.. Ana – no one has lost money in the market for like two years. WTF – fire your company. I hate the fact that good people lose money.
Look I hate our retirement system. But you should not be losing money. (now I think you should move your money into money market for the next year). I may be wrong.
Welcome as a member then. However just be aware, these comments are read by basically no one at TYT. They don’t use their website as a 2-way communication channel, unfortunately.
I read comments on the website! =) But there are A LOT across many many pages so the best way to reach us for a specific issue is at Thanks for all of your support! ~Jeni, TYT Community Ambassador
I know you do, Jeni, and that’s great. But in all my years here the only people at TYT I’ve seen being active in the comment section are you (a couple of times), Dave (once or twice), Malcolm (i think), and Wes (once).
I think it’s really sad that you don’t use your own website as an official 2-way communication channel, but instead rely on regular social media and the imo really horrible app as the official channels.
I know having a forum on the website requires work, but it was a real shame you guys removed it. Imo members who spend hard money on membership should have, maybe not easier access to the TYT crew, but at least their own official communication channel (not to mention a way to communicate with other members on the site). On the other hand, giving members special access would be yet another reason for ppl to sign up. Maybe the app is that channel though, I don’t remember, since I could only stand using it for like a day right after it was launched because the ppl making it can’t have taken any classes in HCI or UXD.
Ah, seems I needed to vent a bit about the lack of communication channels. Thanks for replying though, Jeni, and of course I don’t expect you to read and reply to every comment since it would be a nightmare to do giving the current structure of the website. If I ever win the lottery I’ll personally get TYT a proper website with good front and back ends to make everyone’s life better, I promise (it bugs me seeing so many missed opportunities). ;)
Thanks for joining the family! =)
Hi Macberg and Jeni,
I was trying to help Ana(hit). She does not have to read my advice but maybe Jeni could bump the advice up to her. Seriously – the market has been doing well for a while. I understand that there are too many comments to reply to.
take care peeps,
In regards to yesterdays debate coverage:
Apparently even being near Michael Shure makes you become a little more establishment. That was a pretty embarassing analysis by John in SC.
Hillary was completely robotic until she got in the zinger about Putin, which made her loosen up a little bit.
Before that, it seemed that the Hillary CampaignBot had appeared on stage. It was like “Execute program Attack Bernie Sanders Weakpoints, run subroutine Innuendo About My Long Experience, GoTo program Everything Is Scary Vote For Me Be Scared.”
Bernie was very vigorous and defended himself admirably from all attacks. While he also did the “I don’t want to answer this question, so swerve to Talking Point X” routine, those talking points were policy proposals, not innuendos about scary republicans and how all should opt for secure incrementalism.
I find that democrats who find appeal in Hillary overwhelmingly seem to be people who have made themselves comfortable with their fear that things could get worse. They want to preserve what they still have and slowly and incrementally make things better, not daring to try anything big. They don’t seem to realize that the “house” they are trying to keep safe is already on fire and has been so for quite a long time.
magnuskn- Your analysis is spot on…frightened Democrats are obsessed with electability ,”optics” and debating point scorecards. John’s responses were cringeworthy. I think he and the ex-FOX news guy picked up the “consensus’ in the room which is why I love Cenk. Right or wrong, he usually sticks with his opinions to the end (look at his Football predictions).
Stop calling John sprinkles!!!
`Why Sprinkles why must they torment you so much.
Could you please increase the file size, there’s no point in uploading @ 720p if the file size is 500mb for a 1 hour long video. thank you.