
  1. Cenk looks very handsome with glasses, he should do it all the time. Kinda sexy to be honest lol but maybe that’s just me.

    1. No, its not you. I often say ‘wtf’ when Cenk and other rags on his looks. Cenk is very handsome. Intelligence,dynamite personality, insane work ethic, and some specs…girl,let me stop, hes a happily married man.But a very attractive one, esp with the sexy specs!

  2. Cenk, if you want to keep track of what side of the towel you use for your face, use the label as a guide. You’re welcome <3

  3. It’s funny because I saw that video after getting home from my own night of drinking…and smoking…and it warmed my heart. That video was the best thing I could have seen at that moment

  4. Yup again as always love it all! Took a giant sac of balls to post that Cenk, Great to See mark! An Benn :)P who is so Wrong about Hilary and Bernie feel the burn Ben, I know, I know You Love Hilary but she’s a liability an probably a loss in a national election. bernie has this LOCKED in! The Only people Hilary has on her side is Deb frizzy frazzled hair Schultz, and elderly dems. So yeah…in a national election she’s a flop. I wonder if all the TYT folks who think Shilary is such a shoe in this time thought so in 2008, I bet they did, if so it’d be good to know.I would deff put them on my political prediction ignore list.They love to cry about emotional voters, then not only ignore facts AND polls, but a national outcry for change. But then again maybe they paymore attention to gambling than to reality.

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