Cenk and Ana hosting. Bonnie Bernstein is upset over Ciara’s revealing dress during a sports game. The Daily Telegraph is monitoring their journalists by using OccupEye. They say it is to monitor the energy system. A couple went to Walmart to get engaged. They are known to steal sex toys and made a GoFundMe page to have people pay for their wedding. Police are now monitoring everyones social media activity.
Many people are doing a petition for Steven Avery to be pardoned. Scott Walker who is the Governor isn’t going to pardon Steven Avery because he feels he had a fair trials. Fast Company reports that its good to change jobs every 3 years because a person can get new experience and higher pay.
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‘Sex toy bandits’ engaged at Walmart start GoFundMe page
Armchair Pundits Lose It Over Ciara’s Dress at College Football Playoff Championship
Scott Walker vows to never pardon Steven Avery: It would ‘undermine’ cops and prosecutors
OccupEye London: Daily Telegraph Installs Monitoring Devices on Journalists’ Desks
When the Supreme Court was petitioned to look at the trial of Troy Anthony Davis, Samuel Alito said, essentially, Just because you’re innocent doesn’t mean you deserve a new trial. So Troy was executed. This is the criminal justice system: Who gives a fuck about these people?!
I think you may be missing the point when it comes to Scott Walker and Steven Avery. I’m sure Scott Walker is very familiar with the case. He’s talking to the people who are likely to support him, not the people who are raising the issue.
As to the Steven Avery case itself, important people are clearly lying. Whatever they’re lying about is apparently valuable enough for FBI to get involved and use a bad test they had previously deemed unreliable to swing the case. If Steven Avery wins that case on the basis that he was set up by the police, maaany investigations would follow. Whatever’s going on here, the FBI was willing to sacrifice a lot of credibility in order to swoop in and save that from happening.