Cenk is hosting. Bernie is leading 49\% to Hillary 44\% in Iowa. On a Quinnipiac University poll, Trump is leading by 31\% and Chris Christie is low by 4\%. 39\% of moderate Republicans and 68\% Liberal Republicans support Trump. Our TYT reporter was at the rally and taped people being thrown out of the rally. Eric, our producer/camera person was thrown out of the rally because he was taping other things at the rally that were not about Trump.
There was a suicide bombing in Istanbul, Turkey. Most of the people killed were Germans. A woman, Sophie Koasiki, converts to ISIS and brings her 4 year old child with her. She says they preyed on her weaknesses and thought Syria would have been paradise. She compared it to hell and, eventually, escaped.
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Bernie Sanders is starting to surge against Hillary Clinton at the exact right time
‘I went to join Isis in Syria, taking my four-year-old. It was a journey into hell’
The populist sentiment fueling both the Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump campaigns
Suicide bomber kills 10 people, mainly Germans, in Istanbul
Correction: Cenk said the Pentagon doesn’t want the navy destroyer. So perhaps it’s the navy who is “running” her. We need to stop destroying the planet. Building “the largest destroyer in history” is not a plan I am behind. Seaweed is being grown off the coast of Maine for food (on ropes anchored 3′ under the salt water surface). I’d like the military to participate in growing seaweed and it’s harvest to be made into fuel (ethanol) to power jets, ships, automobile transportation, electricity and heat. We need jobs that sustain the planet, not destroy it. Seaweed biofuels are non-toxic and carbon neutral and can completely replace fossil fuels. We need to switch over. The military could be used to produce fuel here instead of killing people in other parts of the world so we can have access to their polluting oil.
love the show man but,, you can’t prove zesus /didn’t throw lightning
That Bernie segment finally gave me some hope about the world.
I hope he absolutely crushes Hillary, and then Trump.
I am berning up here! Should I go to the hospital?
Wow Cenk nailed the religious fundamentalism problem including here in America with the American military. Please transcribe this segment and put it out everywhere. The RepubliCONS are using religious fervor to sell weapons. 401 K’s should divest from weapon / nuclear power sells. They are good sustainable investment companies out there. We all need to do our part to change our military policies from the Bush/Cheney religious right fundamentalism tactics to defensive, appropriate secular policies. Get the bible verses off the guns. Northern Maine and the Maine military is full of fundamentalists christians who promote war. They put Susan Collins in power, “run her” and make sure she keeps selling weapons and fear. Her latest ‘job’ idea is to build the biggest navy destroyer ever created at Bath Iron works. These catholics are war promoters, hypocrites. Collins is promoted as a moderate but the people who run her work for the Pentagon and promote biblical prophecies to sell war.It’s all a sham. I love you Cenk and all of your crew.
Love the middle segment on the religious influence on terrorism and the long term solutions. I have to notice that Cenk hit almost every major point that Sam Harris put forward on this single segment. Still confused and disappointed by their feud. Is every one of Sam’s analogies or thought experiments pure genius, certainly not. But do these two guys say the same things when they talk about Islam, at least 98% of the time. It find this to be a clash of the egos much more than a clash of ideas.
The small but important difference between the two as far as I see it is Cenk thinks all religions are equally ridiculous and dangerous, while Sam thinks there are different threat levels, such as Islamic doctrine inciting more violence than say Buddhist doctrine. They both make valid arguments, and I dont think owne really has to pick a side here if you take my positio. Which is yes, i do think some doctrine is worse than others, but when it comes to acting against religious influence we need to implement policies that are equitable and dont discriminate because we have subjective feeling that one religion is greater threat than another.
no doctrine is inherently worse. It’s all about context. They have the same Quran in Dearborn Michigan that they have in Raqqa. The contexts are wildly different. It’s not the religion itself that’s dangerous, but the context. Certainly Buddhism has been used to create violent warriors, even though many think of it as peaceful. You can easily manipulate the concept of no attachments and nirvana to create cold-hearted killers who dissolve their ego with explosives. You can’t fix the religion part, as Sam Harris suggests, with a reformation, because a religious leader can use almost anything to suggest you interpret anything as violent. The Christians of today are still using the same books as the ones who waged holy war on the middle east. It’s not about the books. It’s about the context. No matter what your book says, if you have a happy life with modern conveniences, you’re not living under a brutal dictator who leaves you uneducated, desperately poor and with nothing to live for but your faith, you’ll find only the moderate good things to believe in in your book. The same way that most Jews today aren’t stoning and raping people as punishment for sins, even though the book clearly says to do that.
The most annoying part of this whole Sam Harris thing, is the idea that the non-religious seem to think of themselves as superior rationalists, when no human being is rational. I’ve been an atheist my whole life, which makes me less angry about it, because I never was fooled by religion, so I don’t have this huge axe to grind about it. But like everyone else, I am totally irrational. Like everyone, I fall for advertising. I don’t think I do, but nobody else does either, and yet this billions a year industry isn’t doing it for the hell of it. It works. If you read “Predictably Irrational” as well as other books on this topic, you’ll see that human beings cheat less on tests just if there is a picture of an eye in a classroom. Asian women do better or worse on tests based on whether you prime them with a reminder that they are “asian” or “women” right before the test, based entirely on the stereotypes of both related to testing. We are completely irrational, even in the secular west, and despite our supposed superiority in reason, we are more violent than anyone else in our imperial foreign policy.
Focusing on religion, and ridiculous ahistorical nonsense like “religion causes all war” is just a tool for people to feel superior. It’s easy manipulation. People like Sam Harris take his pre-existing hatred of Muslims that comes with being raised Jewish at a time when Israel was very successful still in identifying all Jews in the world with Israel, and their wars to take Palestinian land with the Jewish identity. Jews around the world that were born in the 80’s and 90’s grew up with less of this identity, but people of BIll Maher and Sam Harris’ age got indoctrinated in their bones with this deep hatred of Muslims. Then 9/11 happened, and it confirmed their suspicions. Bill Maher just added it as one more thing to whine about in his “aren’t white, single, atheist men just like me really better” commentary, but Sam Harris built his entire career on riding the moronic but predictable Islamophobia train that was encouraged after 9/11. He is nothing else but this. He is a sad joke, and it’s a pity so many lost people think of him as their guru. This is just a friendly reminder that you don’t have to be an asshole to be an atheist.
Well sais