
  1. I agree with the discussion on “remembering the troops”. I have been saying for years that the national anthem at all of these sporting events promotes this sense of uber nationalism. When I was a kid it was just something that was done at the start of the game, then the military realized that it could be used to promote the military and help with recruitment. So they increased the use of soldiers at sporting events to the point that is ridiculous.

    I will go a step further. Baseball now plays God Bless America during the 7th inning stretch of some games. This all started when the Yankees did it right after 9/11. Every team copied this for most of the rest of the that season. The next year most teams continued to do it but usually only on Sundays or holidays like July 4th or Memorial Day. It drives me crazy. During the World Series they do it in every game, I think. When I watch the game, once they show it on TV I turn in off. I complained about this this last WS and playoffs on FB and immediately people attacked me or defended the practice. I even pointed out that KC was playing a Canadian team, yet they played the song in KC. What does the national anthem and God Bless America have to do with a sporting event? Nothing but nationalism. As far as I know, outside of international competitions, most countries do not play the national anthem before sporting events.

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