The Young Turks December 21, 2015 Hour 1

In Membership, The Young Turks Shows - Podcast Audio by klingbeil210 Comments

Cenk and John Iadarola hosting. Senator Lindsay has dropped of the Presidential race, with a video saying he is “suspending” his campaign and has the confidence that his party will reject the Obama Doctrine and will not pursue any change in the system to maintain the establishment. Exclusive video from Saturday’s Democratic Debate of Martin O’Malley by TYT’s new reporter Jordan Chariton, with Martin making observations of Hillary Clinton being influenced by Wall Street and the big banks. Shock jock Anthony Cumia was arrested over the weekend, on assault charges from his girlfriend, Danielle Brand, with video shot by Brand of the incident and streamed on Periscope.     

John reveals current polls that underestimate Donald Trump’s support of the presidential race. Trump supporter William Sully of Richmond California has been charged in plot to bomb Muslims. Sully constructed various explosive devices along with revealing his support of Trump. Sully says that he lost 30 percent of his business due to undocumented workers and that when Donald is on TV he feels good. Spain faces a level of political instability from their election results over the weekend.  

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