TYT December 21, 2015 Hour 1

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by klingbeil217 Comments

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Down Goes Lindsay Graham, the candidate of the military industrial complex who served his role. TYT reporter Jordan Chariton with Martin O’Malley. Trump polls numbers. Spanish election results. Cenk and John Iadarola hosting. Senator Lindsay has dropped of the Presidential race, with a video saying he is “suspending” his campaign and has the confidence that his party will reject the Obama Doctrine and will not pursue any change in the system to maintain the establishment. Exclusive video from Saturday’s Democratic Debate of Martin O’Malley by TYT’s new reporter Jordan Chariton, with Martin making observations of Hillary Clinton being influenced by Wall Street and the big banks. Shock jock Anthony Cumia was arrested over the weekend, on assault charges from his girlfriend, Danielle Brand, with video shot by Brand of the incident and streamed on Periscope.     

John reveals current polls that underestimate Donald Trump’s support of the presidential race. Trump supporter William Sully of Richmond California has been charged in plot to bomb Muslims. Sully constructed various explosive devices along with revealing his support of Trump. Sully says that he lost 30 percent of his business due to undocumented workers and that when Donald is on TV he feels good. Spain faces a level of political instability from their election results over the weekend.  

Hour 1 Source Articles:
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Woman Live-streams Video of Alleged Anthony Cumia Assault

Trump Supporter Arrested In Alleged Plot To Bomb Muslims

Republican Lindsey Graham drops out of 2016 presidential race

Spain Faces Weeks of Political Instability After Indecisive Election


  1. “If you were going to break your own hand and…” At this point we can’t determine what she would have done as part of an elaborate plan too quickly, she’s nuts brah.

  2. I was a fan of The Opie and Anthony show when it was on and it ended because of Anthony getting fired for a similar situation that Cenk covered a few years back. The show was always great until Anthony got on one of his viciously racist rants. He was quite intelligent and articulate but he always had this undercurrent of racism and sexism. It seemed, as the years progressed, he couldn’t go an entire day without saying something repulsive and it started to get redundant. Not only was his bigotry wrong but his schtick was getting tired. I get it, you hate blacks and women suck. Enough already! I’m glad this piece of crap was finally seen for what he truly is and I hope this is the last we here of him on TYT!

    1. I listened to Anthony’s from the compound show once, like 4-5 years ago I think. A pretty liberal and decent friend of mine, who loves the show, insisted that I’d listen. I couldn’t fucking stand Anthony from the first minute. Immediately I felt there was something off about him, something ugly and rotten. Like you say, an undercurrent of racism and sexism. And the insecurity and fear meter was off the gauge. He seemed to turn every damn topic on that day into a pro gun rant and how he’d protect himself. How people can stand listening to him is beyond me. But then again, people listen to Rush…

      1. Your instincts were right on! Looking back I can’t understand for the life of me what exactly I liked about the show. It’s one of those things were you hear a couple of unfortunate remarks and you try to look beyond them but eventually the entire show becomes a series of unfortunate remarks. It’s funny you mentioned Rush’s popularity because on a recent trip to NY all my Uber and cab drivers were listening to Rush!

      2. You know what’s really frightening about all this, is the fact that people respond to that kind of talk. They hear some certain amount of validity in it. To make the situation even more frightening is the fact that, nationally ;even though it may be a small percentage, Trump’s racism and bigotry resonate with so many people. Like ISIS, getting that type of ideology out there, he must certainly rely on the fact the some people will be moved to action by his rhetoric. He knows what he’s doing, he knows what he’s saying, and he counts on the fact that it will result in violence. The real shame, is that the media at large is not only not holding him accountable, but by giving him such a large platform they are facilitating him.
        Taking Trump into account, and his appeal to the republican base, not to mention the DNC’s obvious bias towards Hilary, who is basically a de facto neocon; this election may well spell the end of Democracy as we know it. The Idea that America was somehow the answer to tyranny, and the bright shining example of freedom and liberty is quickly being eroded. The middle class is a critically endangered species, desperately in need of life support. Wages for the working class are a joke when compared to the cost of living, let alone when compared to those who rest of the top of the economic ladder.
        America is poised for a great revolt. With so many people each year finding themselves in desperate measure, searching for a scapegoat. With politicians more than happy to point them in the improper direction, coupled with our culture’s inherent belligerent nature, many who maintain a ready stockpile of guns and ammunition, Its only a matter of time before we find ourselves irrevocably changed. Not for the better mind you, we are heading full steam ahead into either some type of Oligarchy greatly resembling old world fascism, or a new theocratic dictatorship. In any event, the people in America will be the ones who suffer, while at the same time being used as the tools to undermine the democracy they think they stand for.

        1. It’s sad but unfortunately many people do respond to that kind of talk like you said. The parallels between Donald Trump and ISIS are fascinating but our corporate media will not point it out for the fear of being labeled ‘liberal’ and not being able gain access to Donald Trump or ‘Mr. Trump’ as they like to refer to him.

          Please don’t get me ‘started on the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Her contempt for Bernie is obvious and she’s clearly rigging the primary for Hillary. Even corporate democrats who can’t stand Bernie are realizing that what she’s doing is beyond the pale. I’m not willing to say I won’t vote for Hillary if she’s the nominee because I believe a Trump or Cruz presidency would cause such irreparable damage that it would take the US decades to recover but her nomination would not only come at Bernie’s expense but It would be completely undemocratic. Like you said, America will be the one who suffers.

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