
  1. I have personal experience with this. The mind-altering super dangerous drug Lyrica from Pfizer is illegally marketed to treat shingles. Pfizer was fined $2.3 billion for doing this.

    Well in March my dad went on Lyrica for Shingles without knowing any of this. It’s illegal for doctors to even prescribe it for this. Happens all the time. Well in just 3 days it shut down his organs, and he died less that 2 weeks later.

    Lyrica was originally for epilepsy, proven to be totally worthless for that. Then they promoted it for diabetic nerve pain, and also illegally market it for various other things.

    Lyrica is an insane, mind-altering drug, with the craziest of side effects. Giving people permanent brain damage, making them loose speech, and worse.

    Here are the side effects.
    Difficult or labored breathing
    shortness of breath
    tightness in the chest
    Blistering, peeling, or loosening of the skin
    difficulty with swallowing
    fast heartbeat
    joint or muscle pain
    puffiness or swelling of the eyelids or around the eyes, face, lips, or tongue
    red skin lesions, often with a purple centerred,
    irritated eyesskin
    sore throat
    sores, ulcers, or white spots in the mouth or on the lips
    unusual tiredness or weakness
    Accidental injury
    bloating or swelling of the face, arms, hands, lower legs, or feet
    blurred vision
    burning, tingling, numbness or pain in the hands, arms, feet, or legs
    change in walking and balance
    difficulty having a bowel movement (stool)
    difficulty with speaking
    double vision
    dry mouth
    increased appetite
    lack of coordination
    loss of memory
    lower back or side pain
    painful or difficult urination
    problems with memory
    rapid weight gain
    seeing double
    sensation of pins and needles
    shakiness and unsteady walk
    sleepiness or unusual drowsiness
    stabbing pain
    swelling tingling of the hands or feet
    trembling, or other problems with muscle control or coordination
    unusual weight gain or loss
    bloated or full feeling
    burning, crawling, itching, numbness, prickling, “pins and needles”, or tingling feelings
    chest pain
    cold sweats
    cool, pale skin
    cough producing mucus
    decrease or change in vision
    excess air or gas in the stomach or intestines
    eye disorder
    false or unusual sense of well-being
    general feeling of discomfort or illness
    increased hunger
    joint pain
    loss of appetite
    loss of bladder control
    Loss of strength or energy
    muscle aches and pains
    muscle twitching or jerking
    muscle weakness
    noisy breathing
    passing gas
    rhythmic movement of the muscles
    runny nose
    slurred speech
    trouble sleeping
    uncontrolled eye movements
    homocidial and suicidal thoughts

  2. Missed Jimmy Dore’s jokes during this debate but Wes is always an added welcome. I always know he’s not going to agree with someone just to be nice. Loved Ana’s passion during the debate as well. Work it girl…

  3. I am in college, and i occasionally use cannabis, heroin , LSD, or DMT for recreation and sometimes meth to help me stay up and study for midterm or finials. We only have one life, and if you use these substances sparsely then there is no long lasting health affects, it is good to change your perception everyone in awhile, its how i became a progressive liberal atheists. The issue only arises when one can not control use and starts doesing repetitively..

    1. Every college in America is run on meth and adderall. However, I wouldn’t recommend trying to study on LSD or … my god. … on DMT? If you did, you might have learned your own lessons from those studies, and not necessarily the ones you’ll be tested on. I remember trying to do Spanish homework while still an undergrad while only high on pot, and all my spanish sentences were about bats and dogs flying through space.

    2. YOLO or college are hardly reason to try potentially dangerous and addictive substances. Encouraging their use is not only stupid, but also dangerous.

      Obviously pot and DMT aren’t addictive, but meth and heroine? I don’t care who can “handle” it, because for every one who can, there’s ten more who’s lives would be ruined.

      People need to be educated realistically about drugs, no fear mongering, but that’s not to say that there aren’t dangerous drugs that should be avoided.

    3. How do you take the heroin? Smoke i tor inject it? I’m hoping you were just smoking it, cuz that ain’t as bad.

      Injecting heroin is ten times worst then any other drug, meth, coke (esp coke) really are nothing compared to heroin. I’ve done speed (slightly weaker form of meth) for fun many times but did not get addicted. However, if I do heroin, i’m certain my life would be over.

      Even if you are able to quit heroin, you spend the rest of your life craving and wanting another hit, and you would drop almost anything in order to go back & become a heroin addict.

      Please anyone who is reading, never touch heroin – and this is coming from someone who is very drug-liberated.

      1. David Cross, lover of all drugs, in his quest to try all drugs, tried heroin intravenously once. He did not get addicted. It is a dangerous game, though, and there have been a lot of OD’s lately.

  4. Ana is COMPLETELY right about the drugs thing in the beginning. I live in the south where most of this happens, and I personally know people this has happened too. Even with the doctors withdrawing the prescriptions because of overperscribing. This really does happen and is EXTREMELY prevalent. I meet few people who do not use some type of drug, be they illicit or otherwise. Pills are everywhere and everyone is addicted to them, it’s really an epidemic that’s out of control.

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