The Young Turks December 18, 2015 Hour 2

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 2 - On Demand by klingbeil2110 Comments

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Dena Takruri and Ana replace Iadarola and RJ Eskow. Rep David Brat appeared on CSPAN and a caller asked if he could shit in his mouth. Video of the inappropriateness. A Muslim teacher has been fired for teaching about Malala and the plight of Middle Eastern Muslims. She had previously been banned from talking about her Palestinian background and experiences. Cenk talks about how rallying behind Malala is the most anti-radical Muslim extremist thing to do. A Virginia school district shut down the entire district today in response to the huge outcry from parents of one high school that assigned students to learn about Middle Eastern calligraphy. They were made to write a Muslim religious line.

Years ago, Israel built a huge wall to prevent attacks toward the country, but that objective hasn’t worked. Instead, it has destroyed the lives of occupied Palestinians. AJ Plus video featuring Dena about the wall. Cenk isn’t necessarily against a wall, just that it should be at the 1967 borders. Dena disagrees, talks about what such a tremendous wall does to people’s psyche. The female CEO of Sam’s Club is catching heat from some that are upset over her policy to ensure diversity in her hiring practices. White men are calling her racist over her policy to not solely have White men in the company. The cop that threatened to kill Ferguson protesters as he pointed his gun at them is facing some consequences, so he complained that the entire ordeal is ruining his life.

Hour 2 Source Articles:
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Muslim Teacher Fired After Showing Malala Video

C-SPAN caller to congressman: ‘Can I s**t in your mouth?’

Israel’s wall: Security or apartheid?

Cop Who Threatened To Kill Ferguson Protesters Says His Life Is ‘Ruined’


  1. I can’t wait to see the debate coverage, but I’m going to watch the debate, and the coverage at different times so I don’t watch it with a bias, even though I’ll probably agree with that bias

  2. I am white, if I drive thru Beverly Hills in my car, (an old, rusted no hubcaps ’97 Toyota) No one cares that I am white. They point and scream “help police its one of the poors” That’s why poor white ppl don’t want to be told they have “privilege”

    ie, Ben is right about why its a bad term.

  3. Men have to specify man-bun and women just get to say bun?! The 2 milliseconds I will never get back for each time I said that in 2015 is the perfect example of female privilege in today’s society!!

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