TYT December 18, 2015 Hour 1

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by klingbeil2143 Comments

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Sanders campaign voter data breach. RJ Eskow. Police abuse of power. Fake poll on bombing Middle East. Trump and Putin. Cenk, Ben, and Iadarola hosting. Bernie Sanders’ campaign has been locked out of the voter roll portion of the DNC after it was discovered that a staffer accessed and potentially downloaded some of Hillary Clinton’s info. A 3rd party company that manages the firewall between the campaigns through the DNC failed to block this kind of access on multiple occasions. Some Sanders supporters see this as a fix since the DNC Chairwoman, DWS used to work for Clinton. Video of Sanders campaign manager telling a press group what happened and how the DNC is taking the opportunity to sabotage their campaign. Videos of Debbie Wasserman Schultz defending the DNC’s decision to suspend Sanders, and claiming that they were notified about the breach from the vendor, not Sanders campaign.

RJ Eskow joins. A Seattle cop has received a slap on the wrist after dashcam footage showed him sucker punching a 21 year old homeless man while talking to him. Video of the violent punch and arrest. After the investigation was completed, they found that the cop escalated the situation, and that it was premeditated. PPP polling found that 30% of Republicans support bombing the fictional city in Aladdin, not realizing it’s fake. The responses showed that their instinctual reactions are to bomb. Democratic voters were 36% against bombing the fake city and 19% in favor. After Putin heaped praise on Trump and his “intelligence” Donald responded to Morning Joe. Video of him saying despite Putin’s killing of political critics, he is a leader, unlike Obama.

Hour 1 Source Articles:
Sign up for The Young Turks daily source articles email newsletter: http://eepurl.com/PLlqD

Cop Who Threatened To Kill Ferguson Protesters Says His Life Is ‘Ruined’

DNC Chair Defends Decision To Suspend Sanders Camp From Voter Info

Bernie Sanders’ Campaign Reaches Voter Data Deal With Democratic National Committee

Democrats and Bernie Sanders Clash Over Data Breach


  1. FFS~! Why are there no comments AT ALL about the lead story about the DNC {{D&C~?}} and
    Debbie WS attempting to sink Bernie’s campaign~?~!
    Take a look…so much blo-viating. Boring. Ignoring Bernie…just like the MSM.
    Me~? I’m gonna start googling and try to find out more.


    1. What’s there to comment about?

      More of the same. More of the same. More of the same.

      It’s almost a defeating culture. “Of course they did this to Bernie. Of course they did….”

  2. dders. yo dders. where are you dders. the western corporate propaganda machine mentioned putin again. they’re spreading their lies about him and us sheeple will believe every word without you to open our eyes and reveal the truth to us.

      1. Would you like some peanut butter with your jelly?

        Oh, I see you already have some peanut butter. Oh wait, that’s your face? My bad. That explains everything though. It makes sense an ugly person would be enraged when another more attractive human being gets a compliment.

        When I think of Gyphon87, I think of some ugly, repulsive pig-man republican jerking off to Trump while giggling in irony over subscribing to TYT- the very group he loves to hate the most. “Trump must be so proud of me! *squeeeeeel*”

        Some kind of man-bear-pig, perhaps?


  3. Islam should be illegal in the us…and so should fundamentalist christianity. Sounds different when it isn’t the “evil other” doesn’t it? The only people who seem to be consistent are those of us who believe oppression is bad no matter where it comes from. So sad.

      1. Absolutely not, but perhaps i didn’t make it clear that I’d oppose making islam or christianity illegal too.It can be so hard to convey tone in text. I think they’re all full of shit, but keeping information from people is not a tactic taken by people who actually believe they’re correct.

        1. ” I think they’re all full of shit, but keeping information from people is not a tactic taken by people who actually believe they’re correct.”

          Great point.

          I was going to say “I honestly don’t understand the religious types who are against information, science, facts, etc.” but then again, I do understand. They usually don’t even believe their own religion and rarely even know what is in their own religious text.

          It’s always a great sign of how confident they actually are in their belief in God. It’s quite sad how weak and ignorant they are- even about their own philosophies.

          I say this as a “person of faith”. I welcome all criticisms, all questions, all thoughts. I welcome “the hard questions” and have my own answers. After all, what the fuck kind of person believes in something without questioning it? What kind of idiot is so mindless? (I don’t really believe they are stupid. I believe they are simply not taught to use Critical Thinking. We aren’t tauight this in our school. Whether Christian or Atheist, Pro-Science or Anti-Science nuts- none are taught Critical Thinking. You have to actively go out of your way to learn this yourself. You have to be fortunate enough to have a friend/family teach you it, or the cognitive faculty to create the idea yourself, independent of society.

          Anyway, I honestly don’t really get it. by this, I mean I don’t really know WHY exactly so many religious people are so anti-questioning. I know it’s probably as simple an explanation as basic human psychology phenomenon (ex. humanity’s natural tendency to not question things, accept status quo, confirm to social groups, laziness/apathy, denial, etc.) BUT as someone who welcomes questions and hard challenges (good points that are contrary to belief) I don’t “get it” because very often the answers that religious leaders avoid are very easily explained or problems easily resolved just by knowing some core components or easily identified quotes in their holy text.

          The answers to some questions they avoid are SO EASY TO FIND, yet even the most popular leaders have a hard time answering them. It boggles my mind what they would think or how they’d respond when asked the actually difficult questions/criticisms.

          It’s like someone who has a stress meltdown because of first world problems, making you wonder how they’d handle having to face third world problems. ex. If you can’t handle going to Walmart to purchase food with your credit card, how would you handle living in a war-torn poverty-stricken society? It boggles the mind O.o

          1. I think I understand that mind set. I can’t prove it, but I say its tribal. Its human nature to belong to a “tribe”. Today’s world has gotten so big and impersonal, we have lost that. So extreme religious ppl single themselves out as “one of us”. When anything threatens that belonging, even science, they become so afraid of loosing the “tribe” that they toss out rational.

            1. If I understand correctly, that makes sense and perhaps is the start of an answer.

              It makes sense especially because it is the same tribalism that seems to belong to the Harris followers (“New Atheist” group) or any group really.

              Although I’m not so sure we have lost the whole tribe thing. Perhaps it’s closer to the lines of the urban areas are exposed to multiple tribe cultures (and thus form the melting-pot tribalism) while the rural areas and urban people who are influenced by rural culture, are beginning to be exposed to more of “The Other Tribe” and thus have a greater attachment to other tribes that they normally would disagree with but because “The Other” Tribe is a serious force, they feel as though they must band together similar tribes in order to become stronger.

              So the tribe of the “New Atheist” (Sam Harris types) are the SAME tribe as the “Conservative Right” or “Religious Right”. They are all together, despite their differences, because they feel threatened by “The Other” Tribe. That Islam tribe. Those “terrorist” tribes. It explains why Sam Harris and his followers toss out rational thought and reason in exchange for feelings of safety. They are afraid of losing the “tribe” of America that keeps them so safe.

              Anyways, I don’t believe any of the above. Just thinking about it relative to what you were saying. It’s an interesting thought.

              Personally, I think I’m more likely to look into human desire for conformity (even when outside of the whole “tribe” thought processes). Even a person’s level of moral development is typically that of a teenager, seeing Black/White, Good Guys & Bad Guys, without grasping nuance. If a human being has difficulty developing post-conventional morality (i.e. Kohlberg’s theory of moral development) then no matter the group (Religious, Atheist, Political, Gamer Type, etc.) you will see a trend of conventional morality and black/white thinking.

          2. Your first claim : “I don’t understand the religious type that would reject science- but I do- they usually don’t believe their own religion and rarely know the text.”

            Your second claim : “Confidence in the belief of God is a great sign of weakness and ignorance of their own philosophies.”

            Your third claim : “I am religious. I welcome all thoughts. We aren’t taught critical thinking in school. NONE of us are taught critical thinking in school. People should use critical thinking. You can only teach yourself through yourself and your friends and family and faculty independent of society.”

            Your fourth claim : “I don’t know why so many religious people are anti questioning. maybe it’s human psychology? Humans tend to not question things. But I questions things! and I am a big boy who puts on his big boy pants and listens to reason. Religious people avoid these questions even though they have easy answers and I don’t get it.”

            Your fifth claim : “They avoid easy questions, it would boggle the mind if they were asked a hard question.”

            Your sixth claim : “These religious people who won’t answer easy questions is apparently analogous to someone stressing out over first world problems at walmart when they could have it much worse”

            There I shortened it up for you. Ronny the great intellectual speaks again.

            1. I know you’re a troll, but I’ll respond. No problem.

              First claim seems legit.

              However you immediately have a serious reading comprehension failure. “Confidence in the belief of God is a great sign of weakness and ignorance of their own philosophies.” That is the opposite of what I said. Not even close.

              I also honestly don’t even get why you did this. I know it’s some sort of troll response, but you literally just typed a huge wall of text needlessly.

              Your attempt to shorten things, was extremely lengthy. You failed to do the very thing you thought you were doing.

              This leaves me with the assumption that you are not just a troll, but possibly a very dim-witted person too. The reading comprehension failure on the second point is enough to justify such an assumption, let alone creating a huge wall of text and claiming that is “Shortening” or summarizing things.

              1. Ronny the great intellectual speaks again :) it may sound dimwitted because they are the words you have been putting forth. Perhaps if you were a better writer or had more interesting points to make you would be more respected. Go ahead and read what you said and then what I said and you’ll see I did a fairly faithful job in exposing how silly and simple minded your claims are. You can cry troll all you want, but all I see is little person playing a little violin.

                1. “Perhaps if you were a better writer or had more interesting points to make you would be more respected. ”

                  Nice try, but I am actually an extremely well respected writer who is well known for his interesting and often unique thoughts.

                  Although my thoughts on TYT aren’t very unique, especially compared to my writings outside of TYT, I take pride in my ability to convey my thoughts. (Although without an edit feature and with the casual nature of commenting here, I do not put much effort into my posts nor have the chance to fix grammatical errors).

                  Anyway, just know that I’ve created a custom script to block any comments from you that appear on my browser, as I scan the website. By pressing a single button, I get to respond with a generic message without having to even read your troll drivel!

                  So please do yourself a favor and stop wasting your time.

                  This is one of the privileges of being a computer programmer ;)

      2. No, we don’t believe in some mythical being who tells us to kill people, we have the voices in our heads for that nonsense…

        1. You missed out on the hypocrisy, idiocy, and lunacy of banning one religion but not the other. Bark all you want that atheism isn’t a religion, but TYT (Cenk & John) believe otherwise- and they are atheists/agnostics themselves. (The New Atheists are identical to other religious fundie groups. Human beings are and always will be irrational, no matter what their belief or lack of belief is. You cannot dispute this science. Humans are humans.)

          You sound like a Sam Harris follower (nutjob). This one group of people with THESE beliefs (no god) is differrent than this OTHER group of people with THOSE beliefs (Islam, Christianity, Fundies of any group, etc.)

          Then again, Cenk & John would be the firrst to point out that just because you claim to be a “Free Thinker” doesn’t mean you arer rational. Just because you claim to support science over religion, doesn’t mean you don’t think just like religious fundies.

          It doesn’t matter if you’re Muslim, Christian, Atheist, Agnostic, or anything else. All groups have their fundies exactly the same. Whether those fundies have power, sway, or act in violence is another thing entirely, but the reality is that if given the chance, the power, the influence- they would all be the same. Humans are humans. Irrational is irrational. Good is good. If you murder in the name of religion, in the name of science, or for no god damn reason= it’s pretty irrelevant to the argument “Is he a murderer?”

          1. I am glad you said that,, once ppl say “Atheist” they start acting very much like a fundamentalist of any religion. Mocking and laughing at anyone who thinks diff than they do.
            Agnostic is much better. They tend to just live and let live

            1. I’m a militant agnostic. I will shoot anyone that does not acknowledge that we can never know if there is a god. My agnostic movement will one day rule the earth! Now follow me and do exactly as I say, and give me all your money and your women, because that’s what God told.. oh wait… I mean… I discovered that in a lab and it has since been replicated by other labs?

              1. Honestly, all you’d need to do is say “Because that’s what I think is best!” and throw in some random words like “America!” or some vague statement “This will make us great again!” and you’ll have people fully ready to cuckold over their wives to you and donate all their money.

                I find this aspect of humanity strange. No matter the survey, no matter the charity, no matter the scam, no matter the belief. You will always be able to find some <1% of people who will be like "Dude, that's awesome! Sign me up!"

                Which really boggles my mind.

                1. Maybe the people who join some of the weirder cults or fall for the more obvious scams are just people with serious cognitive deficients (learning disabilities, mental retardation, inability to understand some concepts, physical brain damage or underdevelopment) or are just on a ton of drugs and don’t fully grasp what they’re doing.

                  “…dude….this is Scien…tology? Whoa….for the last three weeks I thought this was a Cupcake Shop….that explains the lack of cupcakes…”

                  1. lol
                    Yeah a lot of people aren’t all that bright. I feel bad for people that have issues like that, I wish they could get help or guidance in their lives so that they don’t fall for scams and/or vote for people like Trump.

              1. You are not helping your argument. So much anger, you seem afraid when you think someone disagrees even a little with you. You attack with 13 yr of name calling..

                Calm down, present your point like a you have a brain.., because I don’t think you are stupid and I won’t call you a fowl name..


                Be better than the average troll. Disagree, and discuss. Even if you are actually 13, you can be better than this.

                1. Answer the fucking question you cunt, don’t backpedal and pretend this is the first time you’ve been called out for the stupid shit you say on the internet.

                2. Gyphon87 is one of the most angry, emotionally unstable trolls I’ve ever seen. He basically subscribes to TYT just so he can belittle and troll other TYT members. He gets off on it.

                  He is just full of so much anger and hatred. Idk what happened to him, but whatever it is- his life must suck.

                  Who knows the real truth, but I’d honestly probably say he has a mental disability. In his mind, he may be doing what is right by screaming at everyone. It’s amazing how the human brain can respond when having a disorder like schizophrenia or something just as serious.

                  I don’t really believe he is stupid or “evil”. I think he’s just troubled. Either he has a lot of problems he has to deal with (and thus is taking out his anger and pain on TYT members by trolling them) or he has a serious illness that changes his mind to think he is doing what is right. (The very same thing a lot of suicide bombers probably had to convince themselves that murdering others is the answer.)

                  When you have a serious mental illness, it isn’t even apparent to the person. It’s absolutely stunning how their minds work. If you’re at all interested, check out this mind-blowing video based on scientific research dealing with people with schizophrenia who were paralyzed in half the body (and literally could not accept the fact they were paralyzed, even when presented with irrefutable evidence they were.) It’s an amazing video.


            2. How deeply stupid do you have to be to compare atheists to fundamentalists religious folks, especially Muslims? When has Sam Harris flown into a building? When did Dawkins behead those who disagree with him? Where in the world did one atheist do bad because a cartoon made fun of his beliefs?

              You are a stupid fucking cunt, ronny. Really.

              1. If you are a TYT member, you already know why Cenk thinks Sam Harris is trouble.

                You are an extremely nasty troll and quite obviously a very disturbed individual. For a bad person to think I am a “stupid fucking cunt” is quite a good compliment. If the bad person thought I was great and began complimenting me, THAT is when it would be insulting. “Oh crap… what have I become?!?!”

                So thank you for the compliment. It is always a pleasure to see bad people say you’re bad, or dumb people to say you’re dumb. It means I am good and smart, especially when all the intelligent people seem to agree or at least have understanding, and all the good people (agree or disagree) seek the same peace, love, and harmony among mankind.

                I am truly glad a person like Gyphon87 hates me. It is a sign I am on the right side. The last thing I want is a hideously mean, childish, obviously disturbed person to love me.

                All hatred is dangerous. All intolerance is unacceptable. It doesn’t matter if your name is Sam Harris or Bill O Reily. What matters are your actions, your murdering of civilians, your intolerance against “The Other”, and your hatred for “The Other”. We should all agree to restrain from violence, seek peaceful resolution, and show love NOT HATRED to one another.

                The reason people don’t like Sam Harris is because they can spot a rotten apple. They notice extremists, self-serving individuals, and those who promote violence.

                A rotten apple is rotten. Cenk knows this, Ben Affleck knows this, but you don’t. You are easily fooled because Sam Harris feeds into your hatred for muslims. Although I am a bit confused since you seem to have hatred for ALL humans.

                Words have power.

                Hatred is bad.

                Violence kills.

                Sam Harris and “The New Atheists” dehumanizing Muslims is the first step towards violence. Any brief glimpse into human history would show you this much.

                Dropping a bomb, whether nuclear or from a drone, murdering civilians, is not the answer. We are better than that. I believe we are.

            3. “Agnostic is much better. They tend to just live and let live”

              Honestly, I’ve never really heard anyone aggressively talk about how they are agnostics. It’s always militant atheists or fundamentalist christians. Or in our articles about foreign terrors (“The Other”) islamist extremists.

              But I cannot recall a single time I read someone write a nasty reply or shout angrily or make a huge fuss while calling themselves Agnostic. I’ve heard people say “Agnostic Atheist” and be aggressive, but never just “Agnostic”.

              So I think you’re right when you say “They tend to just live and let live.”

              Although honestly, most of humanity falls somewhere between this spectrum.

              Most “Christians” I meet, especially in the south, are nothing more than Agnostic-Christians. They are what I call “Cultural Christians”. They do not actually believe in their religion, they have no clue what is in their text, and they may or may not attend church or take their traditions seriously. Instead, they just say they are “This” or “That” because of culture, because of small connections to groups they don’t take seriously or don’t belong with. When they are asked what they believe, they default to what their culture says (their parents, their society, their friends) but are too apathetic to actually care or think much about it themselves.

              This ranges from those who don’t follow any “rules” and only claim by an apathetic “uh, I’m christian I guess? Maybe there’s a god?” all the way to “I attend church every sunday and believe what my pastor and church says. Uh, what do they believe? Um…LOL I don’t really know. I’m usually on my cell phone, LOL. Anyway, want to have a beer and watch the game after church next sunday?”

              1. I say that to say that IMO, the biggest group of “believers” in the world is OVERWHELMINGLY Agnostics.

                The majority of people who are considered part of this religion or that one, are in actuality agnostics.

                So few actually take it seriously.

                It wouldn’t surprise me if those who take it their ideologies seriously are more likely to fit into one of the two extremes (very much peace-loving charitable types OR violence-loving conservative types.) and IMO the former is probably more common (even among atheists who are heavy into their idealogies, I believe they would probably be very passionate about charity and loving others).

                I know that sounds like it is oversimplified, but I honestly believe this:

                People who want to hate, who love violence, who are ignorant- they will want to join the nearest group that encourages this. They will want to belong to that group, so that they can hate. Depending on how much they hate and how much they want to get involved, it could be as light as a Sam Harris / Bill O Reilly follower or as heavy as a KKK grand wizard.

                People who want to love, who love giving, who are charitable- they will want to help others and/or be a part of groups that encourage that. They will help others. Doesn’t matter their religious belief or lack thereof. Some people just don’t want death & destruction; hunger & starvation.

                Religion is a bit irrelevant of action, and there are loving, charitable agnostics just like there are hate-filled violence-loving agnostics. However, I’d be interested in studies that measured whether or not being heavily into an ideology (not necessarily religious, but any passionate idealogy) rather than being very apathetic or care-free about ideology) influenced someone to be more/less charitable and more/less in favor of war.

                In the end though when classifying or discussion an individual- stereotypes or even accurate data is useless. You never know if they are the 90% or the 10%. You don’t know if they are that strange outlier or that common stereotype. It’s all pretty damn useless and I myself always try to assume the best until they prove otherwise.

                For example, I used to assume Gyphon87 was just temporarily upset at TYT. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and assumed since he was a TYT follower, he was “one of the good ones”. Then later I discovered he’s a lunatic troll who goes around looking to insult people. To me, it’s not a surprise he’s a Harris follower who hates Cenk. After all, he seems to be filled with hatred for Muslims even more than his hatred for us TYT members! Which says a lot, given how much he insults us. When I look at Harris followers, I don’t read about nice people. I read angry, bitter people. People who hate muslims. People who are aggressive towards foreigners and dislike “The Other”. Intolerance, war-loving types far more than pacifists or peace-loving people. Darkness attracts darkness.

                Anyway, sorry, didn’t mean to go on a Harris rant. I just think it’s very relevant because I wouldn’t be surprised if Agnostics were less likely to support people like Sam Harris and more likely to support the side of Cenk on these issues. (That they are better people than the religious extremists like those who follow Harris).

                IMO, religious extremism isn’t a group. It’s a mindset. That is why I think even non-religious groups can be religious extremists. Even political groups can be. I’ve seen some weird brainwash-y religious-mindset in the Occupy Wallstreet movement. Specifically, their facebook page after they became less popular and failed. It reminded me heavily of religious nutjobs in the south, who I also have to face and hear their irrational comments on facebook. It’s all the same to me: “Irrational Nutjobs.”

                  1. Children like Ronny emulate Cenk and just like Cenk they have these imaginative conversations with themselves, attacking people for imaginary positions they do not hold, pretending the other side doesn’t understand and must be ignored for not agreeing.

                    They act as though they believe they are fighting for God arguing against bigotry but they just come across as arrogant fools who have no idea what the conversation is about.

                    They don’t want to make the world better by empowering women and intellectuals worldwide by freeing them from the stranglehold of Islam, no instead they would rather side with the entire Islamic world against US republicans because they think everything the republicans stand for must be wrong and therefore all muslims are just an oppressed minority being unfairly repressed by Republicans. This is the mindset Cenk has subscribed too but it is a short sighted naive point of view that looks at .004% of Muslims (US Muslim Population) and acts as if they are the entire muslim population and must be defended whatever the costs, even if the costs are liberal freedoms.

            1. You have been placed on ignore. Please do not reply to any of RonnyRulz’s posts, as none of your comments can be seen by him.

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          2. Your first claim : “it’s bad to ban one religion and not all the others. John and Cenk believe atheism is a religion so they must be right. The new atheists are identical to religious fundamentalists. Humans are irrational no matter the belief, I know because science said so.”

            Your second claim : “You’re a nut job Sam Harris follower. Athiest’s believe things so they are just like religious fundamentalists because they believe things too!” This being a response to Mdhede’s post “No, we don’t believe in some mythical being who tells us to kill people, we have the voices in our heads for that nonsense…”

            Atheism is not a belief system. It is a rejection of bad evidence for a supernatural belief system. Everyone is an atheist in regards to everyone else’s religious beliefs, we don’t believe other people’s gods exist simply because other people believe in them.

            Your third claim : “Cenk and John say just because you claim to be free thinking doesn’t mean you are rational. Just because you support science over religion doesn’t mean you don’t think like religious fundamentalists”

            Your fourth claim: “Atheists have the exact same fundamentalists as Islam. Given the power, the influence, they would all be the same. Humans are humans. Irrational is irrations. Good is Good.

            If you murder in the name of religion, in the name of science, or for no god damn reason= it’s pretty irrelevant to the argument “Is he a murderer?”

            lol the great intellectual mind of Ron speaks again. And just to destroy your last argument completely, when someone kills someone else we don’t ask “is he a murderer?” we ask “what were his motives? What punishment fits those motives?”

            If someone kills in the name of religion and is inspired by an ideology then you marginalize the ideology to prevent future murderers from future crimes.

            If someone kills based on their hate of a certain race and is inspired by racist ideology, then you marginalize that ideology to prevent future crime, you enact hate crime laws reach out into the community to calm racial tensions.

            If you murder someone in the name of science, you probably have a very interesting and ethical argument seeing as how people don’t kill others in the name of science you morally confused child.

            Beliefs have consequences, some beliefs make you more likely to murder people than others. I would bet my life that religious beliefs make you much more likely to murder other people than scientific beliefs.

            If I had to bet on which would be more dangerous, the science fanatic or the religious fanatic, there’s no question I would gamble on the religious fanatic being a more potentially harmful threat.

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          3. Another fun thought experiment for you ronny.

            Who would you rather the leader of the free world be someone who has no interest in religion at all and is consumed entirely by scientific thought? Or would you rather the leader of the free world be someone who has no interest in science at all and consumes only religious thought?

            A simple few seconds on this experiment should shed light on your own biases. I am biased in favor of science seeing as how throughout my experience I have witnessed religious beliefs disproportionally making people assholes compared to scientific beliefs. I have known assholes in the science field too, but again the biggest assholes in science fields also tend to be religious.

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