Cenk, Ben, and Iadarola hosting. Bernie Sanders’ campaign has been locked out of the voter roll portion of the DNC after it was discovered that a staffer accessed and potentially downloaded some of Hillary Clinton’s info. A 3rd party company that manages the firewall between the campaigns through the DNC failed to block this kind of access on multiple occasions. Some Sanders supporters see this as a fix since the DNC Chairwoman, DWS used to work for Clinton. Video of Sanders campaign manager telling a press group what happened and how the DNC is taking the opportunity to sabotage their campaign. Videos of Debbie Wasserman Schultz defending the DNC’s decision to suspend Sanders, and claiming that they were notified about the breach from the vendor, not Sanders campaign.
RJ Eskow joins. A Seattle cop has received a slap on the wrist after dashcam footage showed him sucker punching a 21 year old homeless man while talking to him. Video of the violent punch and arrest. After the investigation was completed, they found that the cop escalated the situation, and that it was premeditated. PPP polling found that 30% of Republicans support bombing the fictional city in Aladdin, not realizing it’s fake. The responses showed that their instinctual reactions are to bomb. Democratic voters were 36% against bombing the fake city and 19% in favor. After Putin heaped praise on Trump and his “intelligence” Donald responded to Morning Joe. Video of him saying despite Putin’s killing of political critics, he is a leader, unlike Obama.