The Young Turks December 17, 2015 Hour 2

In Membership, The Young Turks Shows - Podcast Audio by klingbeil210 Comments

Ana joins Cenk for SCS. Pharma Bro Martin Shkreli has been arrested for fraud and is likely to be convicted. Cenk goes through the hilarious details of the things Shkreli has done. A young 15 year old YouTube celebrity has been arrested along with a couple members of his entourage for sexually exploiting a 12 year old girl. Actress Olivia Wilde posted a picture of her baby son’s butt on the internet and received hate. Cenk is torn on this while Ana doesn’t think it’s a big deal to post the pictures.


A 6th grade teacher in Texas is in trouble for sending students home with a drug assignment called from the field to the street. It forces them to discover the sequence of events of a developed process. Google has released the top trending searches of 2015. LAPD has investigated over 1300 complaints of racial profiling and determined that 100% of them are without merit.

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