
  1. Jackson Pollock paintings are utter bullshit though. There’s no way around that. He’s probably the most successful talentless artist of all time.

  2. I guess I disagree with that characterization of Martin’s books.because I’ve found them very cinematic. Tolkein is much, much more long-winded. Although I liked the books if anything I found them too similar to the show. At least until recent seasons.

  3. After hearing this panel, I think it’s safe to say that Cenk would not like the Game of Thrones books even though he loves the show. The writing is so flowery and mildly pretentious. Martin over describes everything: what ppl are eating and wearing, the weather, items in the room, etc. I’m a writer myself and even I get annoyed by that. Cut to the chase,…yes., agreed. Setting and scenery are important to put the reader there, but a lot of writers do way too much of it IMO

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