The Young Turks December 16, 2015 Hour 2

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 2 - On Demand by klingbeil2116 Comments

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Ana joins Cenk for SCS. The Affluenza kid is on the run with his mother after a warrant for his arrest has been submitted after he violated his parole in multiple ways. After dashcam video showed a police officer shoot a drunk driver suspect in the neck, he has been exonerated. Video of the shooting. The police chase ended when the suspect’s car flipped over, ejecting and killing his wife. When the suspect attempted to climb out of the wreckage the cop shot immediately, potentially paralyzing him for life. A Saudi businessman has been acquitted of raping a woman that was staying at his home in London. His defense was that he accidentally tripped and fell into her vagina after having consensual sex with her friend.

Nicki Minaj is set to perform in Angola for the dictator that reigns over the country. A Human Rights group informed her of who she is set to work for, and asked her to withdraw her promise to travel there. A family’s Christmas card had the mother and two girls mouths’ duct taped with the sign Peace on Earth held by the father and young son. The photographer’s Facebook page was bombarded by people disgusted by the message. Discussion over whether or not they are bad guys for this negative message. Cenk and Ana thinks the detractors have a point, but need to bring down the outrage since it doesn’t directly hurt anyone.

Hour 2 Source Articles:
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Millionaire businessman not guilty of raping teenager after he accidentally penetrated her

Facebook heaps massive scorn on photographer’s appallingly sexist family Christmas photo

The Infamous “Affluenza” Teen Is On the Run From the Police

DA plays dash cam video in accidental shooting; no charges will be filed

Human Rights Activists Ask Nicki Minaj to Cancel Her Concert in Angola


  1. Why was the cop chasing a guy he suspected was drunk? Just get his license plate. If he’s drunk, the odds are greater that he’ll kill people when he’s going faster.

  2. Some clarifications on the Angola situation (I’m an Angolan living in Portugal and huge tyt fan):

    1. I get that Ana said South Africa as in “South OF Africa” but since it’s the name of a country, the region is known as Southern Africa,

    2. José Eduardo dos Santos is in practice a dictator, or to be more precise an autocrat/kleptocrat, who’s been in power for almost 40 years, but he was elected in 2012 in what everyone considered to be free and fair elections. He hasn’t decided yet if he’ll run in 2017.

    3. Cenk, US intervened in Angola, but not quite as you speculated. A short political history of my country: in 1975 it gained independence from Portugal, and the MPLA party (who’s members included our founding father Agostinho Neto and the current president), as a marxist-leninist party, established a one-party rule system. The other revolutionary party UNITA (right-wing nationalists led by Jonas Savimbi) didn’t like it and declared war. As you must’ve figured out by now, it’s relevant to talk about the US in the context of the cold war, where they, alongside apartheid South Africa supported UNITA, and the USSR and Cuba supported the MPLA. Our civil war went on for 27 YEARS! (ended in 2002).

    4. While José Eduardo dos Santos is a billionaire and his daughter is the richest woman in Africa by stealing the profits of our natural resources and investing in various companies mostly in portuguese-speaking coutries, Angola has the highest infant mortality rate in the world.


    Luís Figueiredo

  3. I think that cop sounded really freaked out on the radio, and I am not surprised that he shot this guy on impulse. One other thing: I dont know about everyone else, but I saw two muzzle flashes. How is that explained?

    1. I think I see two flashes too, but I never heard anything mentioned about that so I dunno. Might be the blinking lights on his car playing tricks on us, but the more I look at it the more I’m convinced it’s two flashes, although I’m not certain. And given how thoroughly the cops have analyzed the video to defend the cop (I see the same things they see btw), they should have also mentioned the two shots, or at least tried to explain it to be one shot with the same fervor as they did the shooting being accidental.

    2. I watched it frame by frame and I see two distinct muzzle flashes. The statement even points out he fired once, while they are trained to fire at least twice, and of course the police account for the bullets used instead of a third party. Pointing out that he missed from that close with one of the shots would make this poor officer look bad to his pals during happy hour.

  4. Listen, I’m generally on Jimmy Dore’s side when it comes to cops. I can’t stand ’em in most cases (especially US cops), and I was getting mightily pissed at this one. But after watching it several times, am I the only one who can clearly see the cop flinching? I rewound the video about 20 times and he clearly flinches like he wasn’t ready for it, he ducks, then in an almost startled fashion puts his left foot down to stop/stabilize himself (meaning he fired his weapon in mid step, something I assume goes against any weapons training). It also looks like he was still raising the gun when the shot went off, he didn’t stabilize the gun for even a millisecond to aim.
    I’m not saying the shooting was justified because clearly it wasn’t. But I don’t think it was on purpose, although I have no problem believing the cop having planned to shoot the guy two seconds later than he accidentally did. If he planned to fire that shot he would have emptied the mag in the guy on pure instinct, not just put the gun back in the holster immediately. Ever heard of a cop shooting someone on purpose with one bullet and then walk up to them with the gun in the holster? Nah, doesn’t happen.

    Interestingly, it sort of looks like he fires two shots in very rapid succession (which would indicate shooting on purpose, unless his gun is fully automatic), but the second might just be the smoke from the first shot being illuminated by the blinking lights on his car.

  5. In a story today, you called South Africa, Angola. You calling South Africa, Angola, is like calling South Korea, North Korea. In South Africa, we have a democracy, not a dictatorship. Mandela spent 27 years in prison so that people wud remember this… or not. Please get it right for once.

  6. Holy Fuck!!!! That shooting was an execution…plain and simple…Jesus Christ!!!! Not justified but not criminal?????? What the fuck!!!?????!!!!

  7. Angola is in SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA… South Africa is a country… You know the place where Nelson Mandela was??? Please show Ana an Atlas as that level of ignorance is quite insulting.

    1. I’m so sick of this, this isn’t the first time TYT (Anna) has made this mistake. People may think it’s silly but calling South Africa a dictatorship (like Angola or Zimbabwe) has very real consequences. Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison to secure the only peaceful democracy in Africa while Ronald Reagan and Dick Cheney voted to keep him in prison. South Africa would of had a democracy 10 years prior to 1994 if only the Americans had helped us instead of helping the apartheid government. The next time South Africa comes up please pause and think South Korea and North Korea… is there a difference between those two countries? Fuck yes there is, plus they are not REGIONS of Korea!!! they are names of COUNTRIES!!!.

      1. absolutely agree Anesh. I get the feeling Cenk has little to do with the second hour so its up to Anna to put the stories together and it shows. I am not a hater, nor a troll, however she is woefully unequipped to deal with many topics and its just embarrassing for the network.

        It’s not just because I am South African that I find it offensive, but also as someone of Africa – if I were Angolan I would probably be even more offended. It just takes a second to fact check, do a Google search and get your facts straight..If she doesn’t have an informed decision she should not talk about certain subject matter or at least consider deferring to someone in the TYT studio with more knowledge… surely they aren’t all sycophants.

        90 percent of the comments regarding her are negative and it happens way too frequently. The worst thing is she’s not even being controversial which I would tolerate more.

        Anna really needs to move over and let the next batch take the reigns. Cenk for all his peacocking should make an executive decision because I am clearly not alone in finding her egregious and obtuse commentary to be well below the standard that TYT is trying to maintain.

        I really hope these messages are actually read by the TYT staff because these are members commentating and not just random trolls of YouTube. As minuscule as it may be, my contribution is part of her salary and that irks me to no end.

  8. Hillary Swang’s refusal to perform for Ramzan Kadyrov is outrageous, as accusations against him come from Wahhabi/Salafist-supporting “human right” groups, funded by Saudi Arabia and StateDep. Kadyrov and Putin successfully beaten Wahhabi/Salafist terrorists, along with imported Saudi warlords, in Chechnya, and USA and Saudis hate that.

    This is not to say that Kadyrov’s/Putin’s authorities never committed crimes in Chechnya. As with any kind of authorities, it is inevitable. But the amount of “evidence” that terrorist-supporting groups have for that does not allow those accusations to be used for any bold movements against Kadyrov.

  9. I just watched the video of cop shooting drunk driver about 10 times, and I am pretty sure he fired twice, as per regulation, and barely breaks stride while doing it, not an accident

  10. Hr 2 cop shooting, Anna said the cop was afraid the guy would run. Judging from the video the cop doesnt look like he could catch the guy.

  11. This time I am totally on Ana’s side on the Police shooting story. This is not even an execution, it is plain and simple road rage, the kind we only see in Mad Max movies.

    I would believe at least the possibility of an accident if not for the great precision of both shots, which landed very close to each other. Had it been a true accident, the shots would have had a random scatter, and one of them could give the appearance of a carefully pointed shot, but not both. After being startled by the first accidental shot, the gun would have been significantly moved by the recoil, and the second accidental shot would have landed far away from the first one. As Ana said, not buying it for a second.

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