Ana joins Cenk for SCS. The Affluenza kid is on the run with his mother after a warrant for his arrest has been submitted after he violated his parole in multiple ways. After dashcam video showed a police officer shoot a drunk driver suspect in the neck, he has been exonerated. Video of the shooting. The police chase ended when the suspect’s car flipped over, ejecting and killing his wife. When the suspect attempted to climb out of the wreckage the cop shot immediately, potentially paralyzing him for life. A Saudi businessman has been acquitted of raping a woman that was staying at his home in London. His defense was that he accidentally tripped and fell into her vagina after having consensual sex with her friend.
Nicki Minaj is set to perform in Angola for the dictator that reigns over the country. A Human Rights group informed her of who she is set to work for, and asked her to withdraw her promise to travel there. A family’s Christmas card had the mother and two girls mouths’ duct taped with the sign Peace on Earth held by the father and young son. The photographer’s Facebook page was bombarded by people disgusted by the message. Discussion over whether or not they are bad guys for this negative message. Cenk and Ana thinks the detractors have a point, but need to bring down the outrage since it doesn’t directly hurt anyone.