The Young Turks December 16, 2015 Hour 1

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by klingbeil216 Comments

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Budget deal. Paul Ryan. Killing civilians in the ISIS fight. Ted Cruz. Fox News commentator arrested. Gun accident. Cenk and Iadarola hosting. A bipartisan budget deal was reached in Congress. Video of Speaker Paul Ryan talking about the things he’s proud of getting for the Republican side. Economic consequences of the tax breaks and crude oil exports Ryan is bragging about obtaining. The topic of targeting and killing innocent family members and innocent bystanders while bombing ISIS came up in the GOP debate last night. Video of Trump doubling down on his promise to kill family members, calling it “firm.” Video of Ben Carson comparing the killing of innocent kids to doing brain surgery on kid’s that are about to get brain surgery. Video of Ted Cruz confirming his promise to carpet bomb entire areas that will somehow only hit terrorists, not civilians.

A regular Fox News commentator has been arrested for his violent threats online directed at an employee of the company that works with Planned Parenthood with fetal tissue research. An Indian American woman was visited by Bay Area police after she inquired Dick’s Sporting Goods about buying an AR-15 ammo, after the store employee called them. A gun safety instructor accidentally shot a pastor that was attending the class. The incident happened as soon as the instructor replaced the rubber bullets with real ones to finish off the class.

Hour 1 Source Articles:
Sign up for The Young Turks daily source articles email newsletter:

The bizarre, rage-filled spectacle of another GOP debate: Why Republican militarism has never been so incoherent

BUSTED: Feds arrest unhinged Fox News fan who spewed death threats against liberals and Obama

Indian-American woman visited by police after asking to buy AR-15 ammo at Dick’s Sporting Goods

Ryan unveils sweeping $1.8T deal on government funding, taxes


  1. Dresden was not a military target. it was a terrorbombardment as there ever was one. Retract this please because as a historian this makes me absolutely livid. Do your research ! Don’t believe something some say’s online!

  2. Some clarifications on the Angola situation (I’m an Angolan living in Portugal and huge tyt fan):

    1. I get that Ana said South Africa as in “South OF Africa” but since it’s the name of a country, the region is known as Southern Africa,

    2. José Eduardo dos Santos is in practice a dictator, or to be more precise an autocrat/kleptocrat, who’s been in power for almost 40 years, but he was elected in 2012 in what everyone considered to be free and fair elections. He hasn’t decided yet if he’ll run in 2017.

    3. Cenk, US intervened in Angola, but not quite as you speculated. A short political history of my country: in 1975 it gained independence from Portugal, and the MPLA party (who’s members included our founding father Agostinho Neto and the current president), as a marxist-leninist party, established a one-party rule system. The other revolutionary party UNITA (right-wing nationalists led by Jonas Savimbi) didn’t like it and declared war. As you must’ve figured out by now, it’s relevant to talk about the US in the context of the cold war, where they, alongside apartheid South Africa supported UNITA and the USSR and Cuba supported the MPLA. Our civil war went on for 27 YEARS! (ended in 2002).

    4. While José Eduardo dos Santos is a billionaire and her daughter is the richest woman in Africa by stealing the profits of our natural resources and investing in various companies mostly in portuguese-speaking coutries, Angola has the highest infant mortality rate in the world.


    Luís Figueiredo

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