The Young Turks December 16, 2015 Hour 1

In Membership, The Young Turks Shows - Podcast Audio by klingbeil210 Comments

Cenk and Iadarola hosting. A bipartisan budget deal was reached in Congress. Video of Speaker Paul Ryan talking about the things he’s proud of getting for the Republican side. Economic consequences of the tax breaks and crude oil exports Ryan is bragging about obtaining. The topic of targeting and killing innocent family members and innocent bystanders while bombing ISIS came up in the GOP debate last night. Video of Trump doubling down on his promise to kill family members, calling it “firm.” Video of Ben Carson comparing the killing of innocent kids to doing brain surgery on kid’s that are about to get brain surgery. Video of Ted Cruz confirming his promise to carpet bomb entire areas that will somehow only hit terrorists, not civilians.


A regular Fox News commentator has been arrested for his violent threats online directed at an employee of the company that works with Planned Parenthood with fetal tissue research. An Indian American woman was visited by Bay Area police after she inquired Dick’s Sporting Goods about buying an AR-15 ammo, after the store employee called them. A gun safety instructor accidentally shot a pastor that was attending the class. The incident happened as soon as the instructor replaced the rubber bullets with real ones to finish off the class.

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