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A Florida middle school dean, John Burchard of Arlington Middle School has been making inappropriate comments towards students who are poor, Jewish and black. Searching for love? Tinder has created a robotic hand to swipe left or right from the feelings of the Tinder user. A fisherman from El Salvador is writing a book about eating a fellow crewman from being lost at sea for 15 months, the family of the eaten crewman is suing the fisherman. Bill Cosby has filed a defamation of character lawsuit, against the women who have filed sexual assault lawsuits, against Cosby.
I had to come back and comment on this, after watching this video and hearing Ana describe the lace doily thing, I had a conversation with my mom remembering when Catholic Mass was still in Latin and “the women wore lace doilies”. It was weird to hear it described the exact same way. Though this was when my mom was a kid in the 60s, and our particular church didn’t have the little girls wear them, and by the 70s they had stopped the practice entirely so she never had to wear one. I think they’re called “mantillas”. The Catholic Church is weird, man.
I would just like to express my gratitude that Karamo Brown hasn’t been seen in a while
LOL so true, what a vindictive, vengeful fellow that guy was, hard to stomach sometimes. he was also trying to convince ana to fart on his bf and stuff lol.
if a girl i was with did that, i don’t think i could ever sleep with her again.
There are probably far more homeless men in the town. They would have probably had to kick out 95% of the shelter residents if they had barred men. This is likely what guided his decision.
Eh I bet the Women and Children were kicked out of the shelter, because they are more expensive.
Did they not notice that the robot thing seemed pretty satirical and likely not serious? The voice was saying things like, “now judging this person’s worth” and such.
“I hate the hijab”: Ana’s Hate of the Day.
i’m thinking she may have more of an emotional response to it because of the thing they made her wear when she was young at church