No Charges For Cops Shooting Puppies, Flashbanging Babies…

In The Young Turks on YouTube by goko loco0 Comments

There are a lot of police shootings in America, and unfortunately the country is often split on the issue because it involves human beings. In this case it involves a dog, so the country is not at all split. Missouri Police Chief Andrew Spencer found a dog and decided to kill it. Cenk Uygur, host of the The Young Turks, breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

“Police Chief Andrew Spencer resigned this week after it was revealed that he shot and killed an innocent dog that was in a cage and meant no one any harm. To make matters even worse, he took the puppy to a firing range and killed it there because he did not want to deal with finding its home.

Spencer found the dog and managed to get it into a cage using a catcher pole. He then wrote in his report that he had planned to take the dog to a shelter where it would be “destroyed,” but then he got another call about a car accident so he decided to do it himself.”*

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