TYT December 11, 2015 Part 2

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 2 - On Demand by klingbeil2179 Comments

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Hours 9 and 10 of the 10-hour event. AirBnB racial discrimination. Caitlyn Jenner. Rude behavior at work. TYT early days. Researchers found that AirBnB users with Black sounding names had a harder time booking rentals or renting out their places. Caitlyn Jenner interview with Time magazine revealed her feelings about how she thinks transgender women should do everything they can to present as much as a woman as possible, because if you look like a man in a dress, it makes others uncomfortable. A study showed that rude behavior at the workplace is contagious.

Cenk, John, Jimmy, and Wes. Talk about the expectations of TYT in the early days of live streaming. Citadel cadets are in hot water after pictures of them wearing KKK hoods surfaced. Video of Fox News reporting the story, claiming “some see it as KKK hoods.” Charles Barkley spoke out on TNT about how CNN is selling its soul to pander for ratings in the presidential race.

Desi Doyen joins the panel. Talk about the 99 hour filibuster show. Hillary Clinton is taking advantage of the latest Trump disdain by pushing a “Love Trumps Hate” realm of her campaign to counteract it.


  1. Just to reiterate the point I made below, fellow sane viewers, please ignore the Cult of Harris, they can’t help being cultists, they’re simply weak-minded people. Responding to the cult’s nonsense only encourages them to repeat the same handful of illogical points over and over again, they simply can’t help themselves, as at heart they’re conservative cowards much like the Muslim extremists they’re so obsessed with. Ignore them and in time they’ll go and find someone else to bother in the hope of finding people as fearful and dull as themselves to recruit.

    1. I’ve been trying, but I’m currently reading a lot about Nazi Germany, and the similarities are troubling, so I’m not sure if ignoring them is a good strategy overall, but at least if we can get them to go spread their dumb hate nonsense elsewhere, we can develop the non bigot base here for later. These mouth breathing morons are cowards, so they’ll mostly stick to the internet I think, but their leader is unpredictable. If he sees his fame dwindling, he may start being more blatant and call them to arms. They are too fucking stupid to resist, so we have to keep that in mind.

      1. I share your perspective on the parallels with the way cultures have been propagandised in the past, it is troubling. When you have pseudo intellectuals who find a genocidal cause that makes them feel superior you have a big problem. But as you suggest we need to weed them out of any progressive base to expose them for what they are. While they can hide amongst us it gives them a disguise many people won’t be able to see through, we need to reject them entirely and publically. Let them go and associate with their fellow conservatives. As for their blank eyed Ayatollah the more we out his worshippers as the unpleasant people they are the more illegitimate he appears.

  2. On the Airbnb topic. Has anyone studied if its because the name sounds weird? I think that that might be a problem. Look i don’t wanna go raven simon here. But some african american names are just weird. I think they need to control for names in a way. I have no idea how they would do that but they should. Also people HATE! I know i do when you first meet someone and you cant propose their name and it takes you like fucking 10 times going back and forth to get it right. People feel more confterable with names they under stand. I am hispanic and one of my cousin named her daughter a weird sounding name. I think people need to be careful when naming kids.

    TLDR: They need to have a way to control of the weirdness of the names.

  3. Trust in our selves and in the future. I can’t even trust our government to punish people who commit war crimes.

    If Obama was not president, then we wouldn’t have had gay marriage.. gay marriage didn’t happen because Obama was for it, it was because of the people he had in the supreme court.

    The people on teh right are STILL fighting old battles.. adn every time they win, they hold us back for DECADES. I don’t want to live in an America where we ahve to spend decades fixing one president mistake.. such as Waterboarding, which is still an option for who ever is in the white house

  4. On the topic of Caitlyn Jenner I have two thoughts:

    1. Gender as a binary and gender roles/expectations in those two genders are stupid and sometimes hurtful. If a man who identifies as a women wants to dress less/not traditionally feminine that should be ok. Dressing “feminine” changes with the times and while it helps advertise ones gender to potential romantic partners it should not be required.

    2. Jenner may have named her kids with names she was thinking for herself explaining the coincidence. This particular phenomenon is something I’ve seen happen before.

  5. I rent an airbnb room in Austin and I get ppl from all over the world. I don’t reject any guest unless they have bad reviews. A lot of my guests are one nighters. It’s not a good gig for a racist.

    1. This is also more of options and to the comment that i wrote above. If a person has an option of choosing someone with a name they can actually pronounce. It might not be racism it might just be pure convenience.

  6. tried watching live show here in France – but the video and sound were out of sync by two minutes.

    will download and watch at leisure.

  7. As TYT grows, it’ll become harder and harder for them to maintain what made them successful in the first place.
    Kooler and Steve are already frightened because of a bunch of emails and are considering self censorship for 10 bucks memberships (which is pathetic – criticise corporate media for selling out for billions, and yet you yourself sell out for 10 bucks, because of some Harris fanboy cry babies) In a political climate that is hungry for intellectual cover for fascism.

    Take Vice news for example, as soon as they got their “insider” statues their establishment bias became vulgarly visible (that is, if you’ve been following vice for a while-it’s in the rhetoric and presentation). Shane Smith is becoming increasingly deified and disingenuous. If Cenk Uygur ever accumulated a following on Twitter that is close to the number of TYT Youtube subscribers (the main platform for TYT) know that the gig is up.

    TYT, for now, are mainly the voice of the meek and of those who do not benefit from corruption. I hope they never get too many self absorbed 500-1000 dollar members. On this point TYT could actually learn a lot from Sam Seder.

    1. …What are you talking about? THis is all nonsense.

      “Kooler and Steve are already frightened because of a bunch of emails and are considering self censorship for 10 bucks memberships (which is pathetic – criticise corporate media for selling out for billions, and yet you yourself sell out for 10 bucks, because of some Harris fanboy cry babies) ”

      No one is frightened by the loss of a few Sam Harris nutjobs.

      In fact, TYT has probably lost thousands of dollars from memberships which were never even billed. They seem to be fine with it (albeit annoyed or a bit frustrated with the bug that caused it, sure). If they are not very upset with that, they are certainly not at all upset with the loss of the Sam Harris morons who quit because Cenk points out Harris is irrational / a warhawk.

      The only thing that made sense was the very first line. The bigger they get, the more dangerous it becomes.

        1. You were right to despair, Ronny Rulz is a Cenkbot tool. Zero reasoning ability in that guy’s head. It’s basically 1.) Listen to Cenk 2.) Repeat what Cenk 3.) cry and bitch when introduced with counter-information.

          He once posted 6 times in a row to figuratively suck Cenk’s dick with praise message like “Cenk RULZ”! ya… taking advice from that guy is about as un-objective as it comes

          1. Actually, you did the exact same thing when you heard Wes going on about his genocidal thoughts & hatred for muslims etc… man were you in love with the things he said… you posted about 6 messages in a row.

            1. because projection is the only word you seem to know? Because when a child learns a new word he has to latch onto it like Cenk did with ‘vomitous’ and ‘spotlight’

      1. Did you notice how Cenk sometimes prevents himself from talking about harris and i remember him saying “Shhhh… we’re not supposed to talk about it” and everyone changed topics. Wasn’t too long ago, perhaps a few days to a week.

      2. “CENK RULZ” I remind you of your words ronny. Who is the fanboy again? You are a clown of epic proportions and I hope you realize this one day but you have to have a modicum of intellect to realize such things so I would bet against that enlightenment.

        1. what’s with the insults again? if he got excited on one particular day, why not let him? i’m actually happy for him if he is able to get enthused like that, maybe he had a good day, maybe he was feeling great. if so, i am happy for him and i wish him more of the same. in fact, i even wish that for you.

          1. Are you joking?

            You and Ronny are the captains of the tinfoil asshole brigade. The amount of shit both of you spew in the name of being objective is vomitous. You are both short sighted warrior justice trolls.

            I’m through trying to reason with you (have been for a while),

    2. Have you seen the Shane Smith interviews with Joe Rogan, they get drunk in both and pretty much suck each others dicks (overtly compliment each other on how they are both changing the world) lol… and in one of them, the islamapgobia was disappointing. Rogan is already co-opted by sam harris because he considers him a friend, and when Abby Martin tried to tell Joe Rogan about the chomsky/harris email exchange, he literally wouldn’t believe her about the part where harris said “when we do it, it’s by accident only, hence we can’t be held responsible” – in fact, rogan convinced abby martin that she must have misunderstood it lol.

      1. Well, if you want to be serious about Joe Rogan, and I’ve watched all of the interviews relevant to what you mentioned in your comment, (the two with Smith, with Martin and of course with Harris) it seems to me, personally, like he drunk the cool aid (and it is a cool aid. Sam Harris is not merely promoting a strain of atheism that is more vocal, he’s promoting neoliberalism). And it’s understandable.

        Don’t forget, Rogan is probably a millionaire. As a millionaire I think it is not wildly fictitious to think he benefits from tax reductions. Hence: Social justice, income inequality and so forth are not matters which will benefit him personally, and it’s a probability that Cenk’ agenda is actually harmful for Rogan’ financial interests.

        To support my theory on him I’ll direct to those interviews with Harris (all of them) and those with Abby Martin (where Harris was mentioned).
        Rogan does not interview leftists and liberals anymore. The political bias displayed on his show is pretty obvious. Unless you’re a fanboy you’ll see it right away. Kudus to Cenk for not biting the hook, Cenk could easily get accepted into the club.

        1. Well I’m glad you recognized it all, and you are likely correct. Although I’m sure you’re aware, Cenk did episode 499 with him and Ana did an episode after that with him I think, but they both just did one each if I remember, and yeah, Joe won’t have people like chomsky, greenwald, scahill, jon stewart, colbert etc on his show. So your observations are well made. Similar to the observations Gathly had about Bill Maher, he tends to not have proper progressives on like cenk, ana, stewart, colbert etc… although he did have greenwald on twice and chomsky on once where Andrew Sullivan poor hate on chomsky right after the internet accusing maher of promoting an american hating dude who goes around telling everyone america is evil, and maher just said “I wasn’t promoting/defending him” instead of saying “He isn’t an american hating guy going around telling everyone america is evil”

          I suggested maher was just not having leftist liberal comedians on because he doesn’t want to promote shows of people he sees as competition, but gathly and others suggested it has to do with maher’s anti progressive sentiments instead, which most of us agreed with.

          1. lol so if people disagree with you, they must have drank the cool aid? good to know. The mind of a regressive is a beautifully terrible thing to witness.

            1. Yet again, you persist on having a conversation with yourself (where you make up the content of the conversation on both ends).

              Nothing I said could be even remotely interpreted the way you did. I have to ask, do you understand what is the difference between citation and interpretation? All you do on this board is interpret people’ comments. And you do a very bad job.

              I have no interest in replying to your comments if you continue with this behaviour [interpreting what people say in their comments and projecting unto them what you think they said].

              N.B This is the biggest problem with Sam Harris’ fanbase. You people actually debate and argue with people over “interpretations” of his books and articles. Where there is absolutely no need for interpretation. The dude is a master manipulator. Cenk maybe speaks in a rough and unpolished way, but he was on point. Harris’ books are not masterpieces of philosophy that need fearful examination. The perceived sophistication one might encounter while reading his books stems from the fact he makes contradictory statements at the same time.

              1. Mansour says
                DECEMBER 7, 2015 AT 4:46 AM

                I personally think Rubin is much worse than a fascist. He just acts like one to get more views.

              2. Wow such a healthy rant for such a small comment :) kind of incredible you got so worked up over this. Maybe you are feeling the pressure of reason creep into your mind? Maybe? It rather seems like you still haven’t figured out what you disagree with Sam about. But hey, keep trying and you’ll get better at this whole ‘conversation’ thing.

              3. “The dude is a master manipulator.”

                This is your criticism? He’s a good writer and Cenk doesn’t like him hence he must be a master manipulator?

                “Cenk maybe speaks in a rough and unpolished way”

                You mean like a child? So that his childish fan base can understand him?

                1. The reason he is a master manipulator is based on his writings and logic, not because Cenk doesn’t like him. But you kepe drawing that conclusion that we make accusations against harris based on what Cenk says, when it has nothing to do with what Cenk says.

                  I think you think this way because you parrot a lot of what sam harris says. We’ve already established that you engage in rampant projection, I’ve caught you out often.

                  Either that or you’re just deliberately simplifying our logic in order to unsuccessfully make fun of it.

                  It’s probably the last one, since you take a lot of juvenile pot shots. I think the last one is still better than the first one, so I was trying to be fair to you even if it doesn’t seem like it lol.

                  1. lol what the hell are you on about?

                    dismissed eaxx..

                    I’ve already crushed too many of your fallacious arguments and you continue with the same old song and dance. You’ve already proven incapable of nuance, I say one thing you hear another. The mark of the regressive.

        2. Mad respect to Joe Rogan for being principled. Why should someone stand by TYT when they stand by people like CJ Werleman?

            1. Joe Rogan is a boss, you know you don’t have to hate people you disagree with and make stuff up about them like you do basically as a life goal

    3. What do you mean? Sam Harris is probably the most criticized person on the network. If they didn’t stop themselves from time to time there wouldn’t be time to talk about anything else.

  8. At age of 14-16, people are already years into sexual maturity. There is NOTHING wrong with them behaving and looking sexual, if they want it. Just because certain countries have made absurd laws that go against whole history of mankind in regards of considering who is “under age”, it does not make those arbitrary limitations any more sane than they are.

  9. THEY READ MY TWEEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I rewatched that 4 times. WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. If anyone is curious, my tweet was in reference to Cenk talking about how he set up his flag/beacon and it attracted good people like Jimmy, John, etc. That what he stood for attracted other good people, totalling to make TYT what it is.


      10 FREAKIN’ YEARS!!!!!!!!!!


      1. It’s been amazing that TYT has been around for 10 years.

        I am swelling with PRIDE, gloating with the fact I have been around since the beginning. So proud. So amazing. It is so fantastic, so much awe, such a cerebral experience to grow up alongside Ana. We’re the same age, and it’s just crazy seeing her grow up and mature from a kid to a professional, mature adult- JUST LIKE I DID!

        Well, I’m still quite a bit of a kid, BUT you know what I mean ;)

        I am proud of TYT, but really I’d like to take a moment in this comment to say how proud I am of Ana.

        She was always a great journalist, always so intelligent and great for TYT. Today, she has earned everything she has achieved and to see her mature along the years alongside myself was a privilege. God bless you Ana & I hope your career continues to flourish (which no doubt it will) and I hope your marriage to Christian changes your life for the better (congrats btw, if you’re reading this).

        10 years. 10. Freakin. Years.

        I didn’t work today, and I am so grateful to God that I didn’t because that way I could celebrate today with TYT.

        Also if Dave, Malcolm, or Steve-O are reading this- THANK YOU! You guys are three of my favorite. I truly wish we got an “hour 3” that was literally just you three talking about whatever stories you wanted, or even just more post-game stuff.

        Jayar, Jesus, anyone behind the scenes and anyone I’ve left out- THANK YOU! I love when you guys talk too, it’s always a pleasure.

        You guys are the light in a world of darkness. I am proud, more proud than I think I’ve ever been, to belong to TYT. To boast, “I am member 153!!! WOOO!!!”

        1. Obligatory mention of Jimmy, since I forgot.

          Kindof funny I forgot him, seeing as how he is my favorite TYT host, I think even more than Cenk who is my hero. On nearly every issue, I stand by Jimmy more often than anyone else.

          Also John, who tops in with a tie for Cenk, which is saying something since Cenk was my #1 up until the last year or two. HAPPY 10TH ANNIVERSARY!! I truly wish they would stop with the nickname stuff. You deserve so much more respect, even though I know it’s fun/funny, you are so intelligent, so professional, and honestly often put Cenk to shame with your professionalism / jornalism :P

          But then again…

          CENK RULZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            1. You have such a limited world view. I read Sam Harris and realized he was nothing but a bigot hiding his bigotry under atheism and riding the jingoistic Islamic hate train back in 2004 with “End of Faith”, before I had ever even heard the name Cenk Uygur. It’s not “boot licking” to being to see something that’s obvious just because years later Cenk is also able to see what is obvious. I condemn Sam Harris based entirely on his own words. I’ve read all his books, except the last one, and I don’t agree with Cenk on a lot of things. It’s hilarious that you think people can’t criticize Sam Harris without being a follower of some other person. It says a lot about you, actually, and how you think in teams.

                  1. Whatever happened to not insulting people? Ah but there you go again… and those were real insults, so i hope you don’t try to use that excuse this time.

                    1. This is why Gryphon calls you gals cunts, such victims you love to play :) I never gave you any bullshit excuse. I never said you were my friend and I would never insult anyone again. Nor did I even insult them. If anyone takes offense at my comments that’s their issue. But you can go jerk yourself to sleep, you’ll feel much better after that and a nice cry

                  2. Oh wow, but I remember you lecturing me and others for using mildly uninitialized words about how insulting is just juvenile and childish & has no place in civil discourse and all that… do you not remember? Want me to copy/paste your quotes?

                    So all that was rubbish huh? You didn’t mean a word of it did you? You just bring those points up to find something to attack others against – wow, that’s just cheap dude. I used to have respect for you, I actually did. Now I have no respect left for you, now I realize who and what you are.

                    Also, your claims of reading scientific papers & having an academic background, all of that I am sure now were all lies too. It’s really sad, but why aren’t I surprised at the character of the Dear Leaders blind followers?

                  3. also, people taking offence at your words is not their fault, it’s 100% your fault. it’s not even the them taking offence part that’s the problem. the problem is this is not how we conduct civil discourse and there are many reasons for this.

                    You just lost everyone’s respect and pretty much displayed your worst side, there is no discussion to be had here.

                    1. lol awww I’m so sad that I lost your respect eaxx, too bad I lost respect for you after the first conversation we had when you showed yourself incapable of thinking clearly without going into an anti-islamaphobia warrior justice mode hurling childish labels and insults.

                  4. Why aren’t I surprised that the two hateful harrisites are the ones that keep loosing their temper, start swearing and insulting people in the most uncivilized manner possible… you think this is a coincidence that the most emotionally outraged also seem to be the ones who are supporters of a hate group?

                    The anti-harris side don’t seem to engage in the swearing and childish petulance that you guys do. hmmm… this is really revealing.

                    1. awww poor eaxx :(( you’re not feeling well are you, it’ll pass. Maybe a warm cup of milk and some social brownie points? You’ll never get the hand job though.

              1. I love responding to the tin foil brigade.

                Feel free to criticize Sam Harris, I have said this a million times but you apparently have reading comprehension difficulty. I could give a shit if you disagree with him, I encourage your criticism, I want to have an interesting conversation.

                Me and you have never had an interesting conversation.

                What I don’t encourage is lying about someone’s views and then trying to bash someone for the views they don’t even hold. Libel and slander is not criticism.

                You have yet you rub your brain cells together enough to be able to move your hands in a key stroking fashion that would accumulate into actual criticism beyond your simple minded name calling. All you have ever seen you say is that he is a bigot hiding behind atheism who hates muslims and wants to nuke them and push hate so that we invade more countries and he can get famous which is honestly only something a really ignorant and confused conspiracy theorist could think.

                1. There you go with the insults again.

                  I just want to say I think this might be emotional for you, the way it is for Sam Harris, Bill Maher, Rubin, Limbaugh, Hannity & every other right winger.

                  If Cenk is saying something inaccurately, he is obviously joking – when people (esp cenk) exaggerates something, he is always joking about the exaggeration part.

                  And yes, we do think sam harris is a hateful bigot trying to wrap hate up inside intellectualism in order to make it more palatable. When we say this, it doesn’t mean we are lying, because we genuinely, 100% believe this based on his writings.

                  I can give you many reasons, I’ve done so before. But here, why doesn’t he ever quote the Gallup poll which totally contradicts the pew poll on muslims he keeps quoting? Of course because he is trying to sell you a lie.

                  Why doesn’t he ever quote the science on the religion vs political (reasons for terrorism) debate? Because every study says it’s 95% political and 5% religious. Do you think someone who researches like him doesn’t know this? Of course he does, HE IS LYING TO YOU MAN – it’s personal for him.

                  And no, we’re not jewphobes, I love ben, chomsky, greenwald etc… but you need to understand when someone’s personal identity is involved, the game is over, there is no chance they are not speaking out of emotion. 0% chance (if they are giving cover to their own cause).

                  Do you expect a Turkish guy to be on the correct side of history when talking about the Armenian issue? of course not, there are only going to be a limited number of Turkish guys supporting the Armenian cause and side.

                  Same story, different issue.

                    1. The right-winger comment was in reference to other right-wingers including hannity and Limbaugh, wasn’t suggesting maher, harris or rubin are right-wingers. although i understand why it may have sounded that way when i re-read it.

            2. It’s okay Yamo87, I forgive you for your childish insults and the fact you felt the need to go out of your way to try to belittle or berate someone who is doing nothing but communicating positive feelings by being extremely enthusiastic about celebrating 10 years with the group they feel like are family or tribe.

              Just know that whatever darkness that drives your heart to go out of your way to try to piss on this happy celebration does nothing to douse the fire in this man’s spirit. All it does is harm you.

              I am still beeming with enthusiasm that TYT has been around streaming live for 10 years and I’m still swelling with pride that I have been around that entire time! :D

              If that is what it means to be a Cenk bootlicker, then that means that “Boot” is the ideas he represents: Honesty, Integrity, True Journalism, Love for mankind, Peace, Freedom and all those fantastic, ethical things. In that case, WOOO!!!!!!! :D

              1. complete and total tool. =) lol to assume I’m the fanboy and then have the gall to write that embarrassingly childish stuff. “Cenk RULZ” HAHA reminds me of something from Billy Madison. The level of your moral confusion is a great sign of the intelligence level of the fundamentalist TYT fanatic base. You are one those blind followers who would have followed Hitler thinking he was a good guy because he kept telling you what you wanted to hear. By a Cenk bootlicker I meant an unthinking drone who defends Cenk as if it’s their life purpose. As in, you lick his boot like a puppet.

                1. Oh wow, the projection is amazing here… the hitler reference is of course a reference to sam harris, the follower reference is of course your fanboydom for your dear leader, sam harris etc.

                  Remember, its your team who is on the side of hate, not ours – so the hitler example only applies to you.

                  The word fundamentalism, lol – your dear leader is an atheist (quasi religious) fundamentalist. You guys are “blind followers” (quote from you), although you think you’ve signed up for a pompously dim appraisal of muslims hiding behind an intellectual veneer, you’re actually a member of a hate group and because you feel guilty and embarrassed of this, you keep trying to tell others that they are apart of such a group – lol. The “moral confusion” (quote from you) is palpable – you really need to have another read of the post that i am replying to.

                  I really think that it may be emotional for you now. There are ways you can deal with whatever has happened or whatever it is that you’ve witnessed. I really am not saying this mockingly. You’ll feel much better when & if you do. Clinicians know how to break these things down & work miracles.

                  1. It’s increasingly obvious that ignoring the Cult of Harris is the only worthwhile approach. Simply refusing to engage them brings out their fundamentally conservative hate without ever having to type a word.

                  2. You’ve never read a word I’ve said, which is fine with me, I compiled all my writings from here and from my academic career into something specially, this was all a pet project of mine to get into the minds of regressives. Understand that psyche. Which I think I have it well documented now. I have 200 pages of material which should be fun to market.

                    Now go jerk yourself to sleep after a nice cry.

                    1. LOL dude, you’ve proven yourself to be a liar, you think we believe that you can market material from random tyt fans in a book?

                      Of course, you say this because you think we are going to feel guilty for giving you the material that you will profit from. Even if this is true, it gives me no regret, if you can make some money peddling & learning from random posts, be my guest – psychologists cost money and I want you to be able to afford one.

                      Honestly though, did some Muslim guy fuck your wife? Or is there more to this?

            1. If there was a porn where you just saw Cenk getting blown I bet people like you gathly, eaxx and ronny would jerk off to it.

                1. lol you use that word projecting a bit too much, not everything is projection eaxx. When I say “I. Think. You’re. A. Fucking. Clown.” I’m not projecting that I think I am a clown, no no, I am saying ‘you are a fucking clown.’

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