Researchers found that AirBnB users with Black sounding names had a harder time booking rentals or renting out their places. Caitlyn Jenner interview with Time magazine revealed her feelings about how she thinks transgender women should do everything they can to present as much as a woman as possible, because if you look like a man in a dress, it makes others uncomfortable. A study showed that rude behavior at the workplace is contagious.
Cenk, John, Jimmy, and Wes. Talk about the expectations of TYT in the early days of live streaming. Citadel cadets are in hot water after pictures of them wearing KKK hoods surfaced. Video of Fox News reporting the story, claiming “some see it as KKK hoods.” Charles Barkley spoke out on TNT about how CNN is selling its soul to pander for ratings in the presidential race.
Desi Doyen joins the panel. Talk about the 99 hour filibuster show. Hillary Clinton is taking advantage of the latest Trump disdain by pushing a “Love Trumps Hate” realm of her campaign to counteract it.