TYT December 11, 2015 Part 1

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by klingbeil2118 Comments

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Hours 7 and 8 of the TYT 10-hour live streaming event to celebrate 10 years of webcasting. Main Show with Cenk, Iadarola, Jimmy, and Mark Thompson hosting. Donald Trump alternatives. Ted Cruz. GOP leadership had a meeting in DC about how to create an alternative for Donald Trump at the GOP Convention if Trump continues to run away with the race, creating a brokered Convention. Even though Ted Cruz has avoided criticizing Trump in public, he mentioned Trump’s shortcomings in a closed door event. Donald caught wind of it and tweeted Cruz, challenging him to say it out loud.

More acts of Islamophobia. A NY man wrecked a cafe where 3 employees worked that he assumed were Muslim. The DC office for CAIR received a letter with an unknown white powder inside. Carly Fiorina got into it with CNN’s Chris Cuomo over her part in pushing the PP shooter to target the clinic in Colorado. Videos of her angry denial.


Ana replaces John for SCS. Police officer Daniel Holtzclaw has been convicted of 18 counts based on his string of raping women. An analysis of the economic breakdown of America shows that the Middle Class is now a minority in the country, as they’ve fallen into Lower Class.

A grandmother was busted while trying to smuggle multiple drugs into prison for her inmate son, via her vagina. A straight man that appears in gay porn describes how he gets himself to do it. Panel questions this porn star’s claim to be straight, since he is determined to prove he’s not. A K-Pop group was detained at LAX over suspicions that they were prostitutes.


  1. Does anyone know if video or audio exists somewhere on this site for hours 1 through 6 of the 10 hour Turk-a-thon?

  2. Great point by Jimmy @ 53:40.

    “You can invade their country, kill hundreds of thousands of people, displace millions more on a lie. And still call them the violent crazy ones.”

    ^This and other tyt quotes belong on shirts and other merchandise

  3. What the F was that commentary on the gay porn guy? In the past a lot of people bought that women who weren’t lesbians shooting girl/girl scenes – how is that any different?

    But what makes me really angry are the wrong facts
    A A lot of porn performers take pills like that – sometimes even shots – gay porn or not, straight or gay… women take cocain or something like that…
    B Oh for whoever’s sake, I said it again and again, it’s not so hard to research how Viagra works – no, it wouldn’t work in this case because if you’re not horny in the first place, it doesn’t do sh*t. It’s a PDH-5 surpresor and that’s what made itbrevolutionary – pills like this guy’s taking were around much longer…
    C Do you really think people in porn are ALWAYS attracted to one another – every single scene? I never heard water melon before, but people say it’s like fucking an ash tray – from their perspective it’s no different to have sex with someone you’d consider “ugly” than to do it with the opposite (if they’re gay) or the same (if they’re straight) sex/gender… That’s of course true for both men and women…

    Be a little less judgmental… And by the way – NO – that doesn’t mean it’s abusive – it’s a job and no one is forcing this pills on you – they do the job because they think that’s what they’re “meant” to do – they wanna make movies to entertain people – they feel that’s just the annoying downsides every job has. I think taking those pills (and whatever drug women take) are dangerous and risky and you should quit or change behind the camera, but hat’s everyone’s own choice – do you have any idea how many drugs politicians and CEO’s etc take to feel able to do the job..? No one in news has ever done that???

    1. PDE-5, of course and suppressor & inhibitor – how often have I seen total ignorance on Viagra on TYT before – and I know that Johnnie Pie knows it, he talked about it on ThinkTank – I think at least Cenk and Ana should know better…

  4. I’ll say it. Gay for Pay Luke is an idiot. Does anyone do that job who is not jacked up on all kinds of drugs. The whole thing is sick and not free speech. It watching ppl being abused. Both the men and the women.
    Stop watching this shit. If you can’t get off with your own imagination, then sad day for you.

  5. Mentioning Russia in context of Trump makes no sense.

    Under communists, Russia was internationalist by definition. Nothing to do with oppression of ethnic minorities (though religions — all of them — were oppressed). Even under Stalin — which is different system comparing to later USSR — the government was not right-wing. Stalin was ethnic minority himself — he was Georgian, and his government has all kinds of nationalities (including many Jews at all points). Some ethnic minorities have suffered at different time of Stalin’s rule, but it was not because his government was nationalistic. It was because Stalin was paranoid.

    And now it makes even less sense since Russia supports all major religions, and they represented widely in government and parliament. Nothing close to what Trump says was coming from Russian government, ever. And it would be absurd to suggest that such rhetoric would ever fly in Russia as the country would simply fall apart if nationalism would win; Russia has tens of millions of ethnic and religious minorities, and unlike USA, they are not spread as thin.

    (Of course, this is not to say that Russia has no issues; it has, and plenty. But hate speech in Russia is banned, and neo-Nazi groups’ leaders get jailed, they are not on TV like Trump is on Fox News.)

  6. “He tweets like I imagine Saddam Hussein would have tweeted if he had lived”. -Mark Thompson

    Undoubtedly the funniest and most accurate thing ever said about Donald Trump!

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