Hello humans — Just wanted to let you all know that the rest of the hours should be up in Special Events within the next day or two. Hours 7 & 8 and 9 & 10 are posted as Main Show December 11 Hours 1 and 2, respectively. Sorry for the delay, but it is coming.
Thanks for the update – I can’t stress enough how appreciated it is – I can’t speak for all members, but it’s super frustrating how little communication there is sometimes on these sorts of things (maybe there’s more on the app and/or twitter? I dunno, I don’t use either). Cheers.
I specifically stopped watching after hour 3 when Cenk said that members would get access to the full 10 hours, just like everything else is posted in full.
I had spotty reception while driving down I5 to Downtown LA so when Cenk said that it would be available to members afterwards I disconnected from the flakey YouTube Live Stream.
Is there any way to get an ETA on when the full 10+ Hours will be added to the Members Archives???
Hey, so Im hoping you are going to post the other hours at some point… I mean it seems kind of silly to go through the trouble of doing a 10 hour show and then not record it… :) I was looking forward to painting all day and watching tyt
yeah being from europe i couldnt watch the whole 10 hours.. It ended at about 4am i believe. same as the live show its midnight here, so i generally catch it the day or over the weekend.
Hello humans — Just wanted to let you all know that the rest of the hours should be up in Special Events within the next day or two. Hours 7 & 8 and 9 & 10 are posted as Main Show December 11 Hours 1 and 2, respectively. Sorry for the delay, but it is coming.
Thanks for the update – I can’t stress enough how appreciated it is – I can’t speak for all members, but it’s super frustrating how little communication there is sometimes on these sorts of things (maybe there’s more on the app and/or twitter? I dunno, I don’t use either). Cheers.
Yeah, I got my account because I wanted to see all of this. Kinda bummed it isn’t all up.
Plus, the David Duke stream never showed up.
Yeah, waiting for the rest like everyone.
I specifically stopped watching after hour 3 when Cenk said that members would get access to the full 10 hours, just like everything else is posted in full.
I had spotty reception while driving down I5 to Downtown LA so when Cenk said that it would be available to members afterwards I disconnected from the flakey YouTube Live Stream.
Is there any way to get an ETA on when the full 10+ Hours will be added to the Members Archives???
Pretty sure they’re going to upload the other parts after the weekend.
makes sense, because they wouldn’t have had the time to trans-code the whole 10 yours on the last day!
agree… don’t care if it is in Low-Res… just post all the hours. I haven’t miss a single show in past 3 years
Hey, so Im hoping you are going to post the other hours at some point… I mean it seems kind of silly to go through the trouble of doing a 10 hour show and then not record it… :) I was looking forward to painting all day and watching tyt
I also would like the whole 10 hours. It started at 4am here, so I missed a few hours at the start.
We the members need the full 10 hours darn it! Just saying…
yeah being from europe i couldnt watch the whole 10 hours.. It ended at about 4am i believe. same as the live show its midnight here, so i generally catch it the day or over the weekend.
I second the first comments. I want the whole 10 hrs. especially because I saw the fist part and not the late part. MORE TYT, WE CAN’T GET ENOUGH
is the full 10 hours going to be uploaded to this special events section?