
  1. Hello humans — Just wanted to let you all know that the rest of the hours should be up in Special Events within the next day or two. Hours 7 & 8 and 9 & 10 are posted as Main Show December 11 Hours 1 and 2, respectively. Sorry for the delay, but it is coming.

    1. Thanks for the update – I can’t stress enough how appreciated it is – I can’t speak for all members, but it’s super frustrating how little communication there is sometimes on these sorts of things (maybe there’s more on the app and/or twitter? I dunno, I don’t use either). Cheers.

  2. Yeah, I got my account because I wanted to see all of this. Kinda bummed it isn’t all up.

    Plus, the David Duke stream never showed up.

  3. I specifically stopped watching after hour 3 when Cenk said that members would get access to the full 10 hours, just like everything else is posted in full.

    I had spotty reception while driving down I5 to Downtown LA so when Cenk said that it would be available to members afterwards I disconnected from the flakey YouTube Live Stream.

    Is there any way to get an ETA on when the full 10+ Hours will be added to the Members Archives???

  4. agree… don’t care if it is in Low-Res… just post all the hours. I haven’t miss a single show in past 3 years

  5. Hey, so Im hoping you are going to post the other hours at some point… I mean it seems kind of silly to go through the trouble of doing a 10 hour show and then not record it… :) I was looking forward to painting all day and watching tyt

  6. yeah being from europe i couldnt watch the whole 10 hours.. It ended at about 4am i believe. same as the live show its midnight here, so i generally catch it the day or over the weekend.

  7. I second the first comments. I want the whole 10 hrs. especially because I saw the fist part and not the late part. MORE TYT, WE CAN’T GET ENOUGH

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