The Young Turks November 9, 2015 Hour 2

In Membership, The Young Turks Shows - Podcast Audio by klingbeil210 Comments

Ana joins Cenk for SCS. The president of the Univ of Missouri has stepped down after weeks of protests over the horrible state of race relations on campus. None of many students’ concerns weren’t being addressed until the Black members of the football team decided to boycott all team activities until the president stepped down. Sea World has decided to discontinue their Killer Whale show at the San Diego location. They’ll replace it with an orca show that is more informative than showy. Tuscaloosa, Alabama police were caught on camera abusing some White Alabama students that were partying late and keeping up too much noise. Video of the beatings. Louisiana cops that killed a 6 year old boy after chasing down the boy’s father have been arrested and charged. They shot the boy 5 times in the head and chest. When the story was 1st reported last week, Cenk was worried that this would be overlooked. Now that they are being brought to justice, he wonders if it’s because the 6 year old was White and the two cops are minorities even though all cops that murder follow this kind of procedure.

A Florida police man received an award from MADD for making 100 DUI arrests and showed up drunk at the awards ceremony. Along with showing up drunk the officer will still receive a promotion that was given to him before the awards ceremony. Andre Williams is upset that Starbucks are displaying minimalist designs on their coffee cups during the holiday season and has concerns that Starbucks is against Christian values. A new business from Brooklyn called “Need A Mom” helps those who need a short term temporary mother in their life.

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