The Young Turks November 9, 2015 Hour 1

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by klingbeil2116 Comments

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Cenk hosting. Donald Trump went on ABC’s This Week to reveal his plan for defeating ISIS. Video of Trump telling Stephanopoulos that he simply wants the oil. Cenk explains why this simplistic declaration makes no sense and would provide even bigger problems for us. Sen David Vitter is looking to get reelected and in order to continue to pay up on bribes from his rich oil donors, he’s proposed a bill that would stop solar tax credits in that industry and lifting even more regulations on oil producers while giving them more subsidies. Vitter has been given $1 million from the Koch Brothers and other oil giants. The League of Conservation Voters, a Liberal group, has decided to endorse Hillary Clinton for president before the primaries, a move they usually hold until afterwards. Recently, the League of Conservation Voters spent $30 million in the last election, much more than they usually do. This money came from the rich Democratic donors, who want Hillary Clinton to be the nominee and eventual president, so The League is doing what the big donors want.

Ben Carson’s extreme number of lies about his past continues to be exposed. Cenk looks to dive into the reasons he’s been pushing these outrageous lies about his past. Video of his lie about being offered a full scholarship to West Point. Cenk breaks down several other outrageous lies Carson has been telling about his life, from childhood through college. Video of Carson’s lie about failing Chemistry until an angel taught him the material overnight before the final exam. Video of Carson talking about how he hid White students from the roving band of Black people looking to pummel every White person right after MLK was assassinated. Video of Carson talking about praying to God to free him of his personality disorders. Another video of Carson praising the way Joseph of the Bible was the very best prisoner and slave he could be, as it propelled him to dominance.

Cat Fight between George Will and Bill O’Reilly of Fox News, on Fox News. They are battling over O’Reilly’s depiction of President Reagan in his new book, Killing Reagan. Will tore the book apart over his love for Reagan, and O’Reilly responded with anger. Video of O’Reilly responding to Will’s column. Video of Will calling O’Reilly a loser of the week before their face to face confrontation was aired. Videos of the angry head to head between George Will and Bill O’Reilly. Cenk breaks down each man’s motivation to have this big fight.

Hour 1 Source Articles:
Sign up for The Young Turks daily source articles email newsletter:

Ben Carson may have fabricated a story about being the ‘most honest’ student while at Yale

O’Reilly vs. George Will: “You’re A Hack,” A “Reagan Loyalist” Who Doesn’t Want The Truth To Be Told

Trump’s ISIS plan: ‘Take the oil’

Senator Named ‘Most Corrupt’ Now Campaigning On Ethics Reform


  1. This was a great show. This way I became a member and watch TYT everyday. Please Cenk, give up all of the other BS you do and focus on stuff like this.

  2. He want’s the oil? How ’bout you suck my dick you prick. I’m kurdish, my family has bleed and died for our lands for decades, and now this cunt wants to come and steal our resources? SUCK MY DICK. FUCK you Donald, Fuck You!

  3. “Russia does not bomb ISIS”?

    Cenk drops ignorant statements likes this very easily. This is false @StateDep propaganda that Cenk fully accepts without any critical thinking whatsoever — just because it is against Russia, and this is where any level of objectivity for him ends, Cenk just goes blind and death.

    AFP (Agence-France Presse, not a Kremlin media, if you did not notice) has reported two month ago that ISIS came to Homs-Hama “pocket” in Syria, including Rastan city, and Russia has bombed them from day one, literally (USA’s media continue to print false conflict maps to make @StateDep claims “believable”). Russia has also bombed ISIS in other areas heavily, including in their “headquarters” in Raqqah.

    As result, ISIS quickly declared jihad against Russia, and now suspected to be culprit in the bombing of Russia’s Airbus A321 plane. If it not confirmed yet, and plane’s old damage of the tail could be also reason for sudden drastic decompression, but either way ISIS is not happy with Russia.

    Russia has made more strikes against terrorists in Syria in the first two weeks that USA did in whole year. It was easy because USA almost did not fight ISIS at all since they knew NATO partner Turkey buys stolen oil from ISIS, as well as arms and finances them to fight against Kurds and Assad. There was never real fight against ISIS by the allies, at least in Syria.

    Yes, most of Russia’s strikes go against terrorist groups that are closer to government forces, and those are mostly Al-Qaeda (Al-Nusra) and their jihadist collaborators. But even “minority” of bombings that were/are done against ISIS is signifcant chunk out of nearly almost 3000 targets hit in 40 days. Other “moderate rebels” include Free Syrian Army, which actually consists of lots of separate factions, most of which openly collaborate with Al-Qaeda, and welcome “our ISIS brothers”.

    1. I don’t think that it’s any malicious thought behind Cenks criticism of Russia. I think it’s as you said, ignorance.
      And as we know, Cenk is against bombing, done by anyone. It would be foolish of us to think the Iraq-effect only applies to America. Let’s just hope Russia doesn’t act as irresponsibly as the US.

      1. I agree that all Russia-related areas is rather subconscious “blinder” for Cenk, rather than conscious. This is area where he can not go out of the box. But this inability to overcome such bias critically important for a reporter that strives to be objective and truth-teller.

        As for bombings, on the very first day once Russia has stepped in, I wrote that their effectiveness is highly questionable. Even when USA got serious and have made real attacks against any kind of militants, it has worked very little since areal attacks can only destroy regular army, not anything else.

        As we see now, Syrian army has made noticeable progress in those forty days since Russia has started the bombing, but while it is noticeable, it is not significant. This can drag for a long time before anything significant will be achieved since USA/Saudis/Qatar/Turkey continue to finance and arm “rebels” (alas, only small part of them actually fight ISIS and are not jihadists themselves).

        The only part of Russia’s bombings that is strategically easier for them is that Syria has already been through four years of war, and half of the country has already moved off from the “rebel” controlled territories — mostly to government’s areas (7 million), and less amount to abroad (4 million). This means that Russian bombings have dramatically less casualties comparing to the case if Russia has started to bomb Syria, say, three years ago. (Of course, there are and will always be casualties, but their magnitude is highly critical on how much terrorism grows or not, and this could be one of the reasons why Putin has waited to enter for so long.)

  4. To be fair, the middle schooler that goes to school with a briefcase would be first on my suspect list if his mom was found smashed in the head with a hammer, cuz that’s not normal.

    1. That’s a bit of an extreme stance. You’d suspect someone of being a psychopathic murderer because they used a non traditional container for their schoolbooks? I guess you don’t buy into the whole freedom of expression thing.

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