The Young Turks October 26, 2015 Hour 1

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by klingbeil2112 Comments

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Cenk is hosting. Gowdy says that Benghazi interview is going to be private. Gowdy favors Hillary for interview in which that will be public.  Donald Trump said that he knows that he is the underdog and however he knows what to do to win.  Trump’s people drag a latino protester in Miami rally, meanwhile the crowd shout out USA.

Donald Trump said that all his life he was told no. He said that his dad only gave him a small loan of 1 million. Later, he made more than what his father gave him. Donald’s father gave him 40 million dollars and the business when he got older. The dad got the loan from the US government. Ben Carson feels that secular progressives are out to get him, therefore he has asked for security service to help him. He feels he is a threat to the progressives. Security service hasn’t taken the threat seriously. Ben Carson feels a woman doesn’t have a right to terminate her pregnancy. Ben Carson compares slavery to an abortion. No matter what the circumstances, Ben Carson wants abortions to be abolished. In New York City, there was a protest against police brutality. Filmmaker, Quentin Tarantino went to NYC to march with protesters. He spoke at the rally. Patrick Lynch said that Tarantino calling police murderers is crazy, he said that this isn’t like Tarantino’s movies.

BuzzFeed says a reporter was attacked by Jewish protesters. In the 1968 Olympics, an Australian came in 2nd. Peter Norm give the other Olympian a black glove at the time MLK and JFK was assassinated. During the 1968 Olympic and Australia didn’t allow him to go Munich. Norman’s family, friends, and government ostracized him. Australia apologized to Peter Norman even though he had died 2006 and his two Olympian friends carried his coffin. Peter Norman was the quiet hero that stood for new relationship and equality.  

Hour 1 Source Articles:
Sign up for The Young Turks daily source articles email newsletter:

Pro-Immigration Protester Violently Dragged Out Of Trump Rally

Donald Trump Talks of ‘Small’ $1 Million Loan From Father

Ben Carson compares abortion to slavery

Quentin Tarantino, NYPD Spar Over Police Brutality Rally

BuzzFeed Reporter Attacked By Jewish Extremists in Paris: We ‘Know Who You Are’

Trey Gowdy: Our Questions During Clinton Witch Hunt Were ‘New’ But Her Answers ‘Were A Little Old’


  1. Damn you Cenk, for tricking me that Muslim’s were violent in France, I totally believed you like a chump. And then you made me cry like a bitch with the Peter Norman story.

    As a side bar, please hurry up and get the Peter Norman story on Youtube, I can’t find it, but it needs to be shared.

  2. For petes sake Cenk ‘bury’ not pronounced ‘berree’ it is pronounce [ˈberē] with a long E at the end. Nails on a chalk board every fucking time.

  3. Would it be possible to have 1st and 2nd Hours and post game begin to download automatically as soon as they are posted..when you system is on.
    Dicking around w/ this every morning before coffee is a time waster.
    I’d really like it~!

  4. What a creepy, weird, liar Ben Carson is. Ironically I strongly suspect he’s had some kind of brain injury caused by a stoke or some kind of trauma, it certainly would explain that freakish speaking voice and lunatic perspective. Either that or he’s carefully trying to improvise what the kook he plays on tv would say, which must be difficult for an apparently educated man. So he’s either a halfwit or dishonest sleaze, either way I’m not a fan.

    1. I’m gonna say he’s just a sleaze. I don’t think he believes the shit he says, he just believes that it will help him win.

      1. Very possibly true, he does sound like he’s trying to constantly think of what a knuckle-dragging lunatic would say.

  5. Good show today. Lovely piece at the end there about the quiet heroes. It’s true. Most heroic action is done outside the public eye. The thousands of nameless fighters who end up creating the ground where an MLK can then rise to fame are the real heroes who we should be thanking every day for their service.

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