The Young Turks October 22, 2015 Hour 2

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 2 - On Demand by klingbeil2111 Comments

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Lissette Padilla joins Ben and John for SCS. Nevada officials are settling a lawsuit with the city of San Francisco after it was discovered that they were sending mentally ill patients to SF via bus. The Ronald McDonald statue outside of a Ronald McDonald house was vandalized by people upset about the fact that McDonald’s restaurants aren’t good for people. Ben and John disagree over his affinity for McChicken.  A couple of lesbian students in California and South Carolina were suspended for wearing a t-shirt that read, “Nobody Knows I’m a Lesbian.” Some school officials deemed it disruptive and gang related.

A bride presented a certificate of purity to her father on her wedding day. It was determined by her doctor that her hymen was in tact. Airbnb has apologized for posting several snarky billboards throughout SF after the city started charging the company a hotel tax after their business model has taken so many residents out of the housing market in the city. Ben and Lissette disagree on the criticism Airbnb is getting. A Russian ambassador tweeted a message disparaging U.S. terror policy with a picture of actor Kal Penn as a terrorist in “Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay.” Penn responded, pointing out the ridiculousness. Researchers found that feeling valued is an essential bond for marriages.

Hour 2 Source Articles:
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Airbnb Apologizes For Posting Snarky Ads Aimed At Schools & Libraries

School Official Said A Shirt Was ‘An Open Invitation To Sex’

Outrage as Maryland bride presents Christian pastor father with ‘certificate of purity’ – signed by a GYNECOLOGIST – on her wedding day to prove she’s a virgin

Nevada agrees to pay $400k to San Francisco for ‘patient dumping,’ which is as bad as it sounds


  1. McDonalds absolutely gives 9 year olds cancer. They don’t GET the cancer when they are 9 years old, but neither does a 9 year old who smokes.

  2. T shirt argument. Kids should were what they want. My school was about control and I hated school. It was a prison, didn’t learn a thing until college. HIRE MORE TEACHERS AND TEACH KIDS TO THINK NOT MEMORISE

    1. Memorization is the foundation and core of education in at least the United States. You’re talking about a revolution. One that would be incredibly unpopular since it would require a total revamp of everything we do in school and even in business.

      i.e. Memorization, not intelligence, is how we determine if someone is smart. It’s how our entire system is founded and it’s how we perceive students and even employees.

      1. “One that would be incredibly unpopular since it would require a total revamp of everything we do in school and even in business.”

        I say that not because a revolution would be bad (clearly it’s a horrible system we have with a huge bias towards those with good memory) but because a total revamp of everything…well…that would be incredibly unpopular because that would me a lot of work. People don’t like work.

        Asking people to exert EFFORT to benefit their society? That won’t be easy.

    2. I wore a shirt to school one day that read “Rock out with your cock out” (w/ a picture of a rooster) and no one said a thing until last period when my Chemistry teacher told me to go to the bathroom and turn it inside out.
      Another time I wore a tank top with cartoon sperm & “Only the strong survive” caption, and got sent to the principal’s office. He lectured me on appropriate dress code and gave me one of his own button down shirts to cover up. Turns out the problem wasn’t what was on the tank top, but the bra straps peeking out.

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