Ben Carson’s appearance on Glenn Beck included his opinions on the War on Drugs. Video of him promising to intensify the War on Drugs because he’s visited the border. Paul Ryan has the general support of the Freedom Caucus, without agreeing to his demands. Video of Rep Huelskamp voicing his frustration with Ryan’s positions. An Omaha school district meeting on the school’s sex ed policy that would expand to same sex relationships and gender identity caused an uproar with most of the parents in attendance. Some worried about the purity of their daughters and claimed that Planned Parenthood is behind this.
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At Benghazi Hearing, Shouting Match Over Hillary Clinton’s Emails
3 in 4 say Benghazi committee politically motivated
Watch: The moment the Hillary Clinton Benghazi hearing turned into a shouting match
Finding Signs Of Unity, Paul Ryan Officially Enters House Speaker Race
Ben Carson Takes the Lead in Iowa
Half a hundred? You mean twice twenty-five?
Corn is trending!
Dufuq would someone burn a church for insurance money? Does the money go to an individual? If it goes to “the church” wouldn’t they just build a new church with it? The hell is Mankiewicz talking about?
I know what a Windego is
OK last comment,. I keep forgetting I am not live tweeting .
Fucking Christ. Where is fucking Cenk? Fuck Frank Menkowicz’s son and the giggling sycophant.
I miss Cenk too. I like Jon and Ben too, though. I must say I admire an insult using intellectual language. Nice to know I am not the only person hatin on Sycophants. Hee hee
Half-a-hundred makes you think of one hundred more than 50. It’s to make “the conspiracy” (You know, the one Hillary did before the one where she used a secret government time machine to brainwash John Hinckley Jr.) seem bigger to the crazies. I’d bet money they start using that phrase all the time now. It’s gotta be a think tank approved phrase. It just sounds like one.
The man, the myth, the legend: The one and only Ben Mankiewicz!!! And let’s not forget about that fabulous hair!! Trey Gowdy could learn a thing or two! This Benghazi committee was a complete joke. It was always a ruse by the Republicans to cripple Hillary and the revelation by Kevin McCarthy was just the nail in the coffin. This is political theater at its best and if the democrats had any sense they would use the media, just like the republicans did to push this bogus story, to tell the American people how taxpayer money is being misused to exploit the death of four Americans and this is nothing more than a thinly veiled attack of Hillary Clinton. Some of the presidential candidates actually used it as a fundraising opportunity! You guys are also right about half a hundred. I just asked my coworkers and my sister and none of them have ever heard that expression. It was clearly made up by the Gowdy. By the way, is it me or does Trey Gowdy look like Draco Malfoy?