Babies for Bernie is gaining steam on the internet, where people photoshop their new babies to look like Bernie Sanders. A Seattle landlord has decided to offer his apt at a $200 discount if the tenants are vegan or vegetarian. Grace is on his side. A Florida elementary school gave kids a lifeboat quiz that asked them which people they would kick off since there isn’t enough room for everyone. The list had different races, genders, celebrities, politicians, and occupations. Brett loves the idea of this quiz for all the wrong reasons. A larger number of people are coming out of the closet on Facebook compared to in their real life. Grace is against people coming out on social media.
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#BabiesForBernie catches on social media
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Coming out is a lot like eating a Reeces ‘, there is no wrong way…
So if Ana is out we get two full hours of shows. Usually everything has to be wrapped up as soon as possible because Ana has to beat the traffic. She is always moaning about how the first hour is too long, or some other crap.
Why is she there!!!??? Cant she just leave TYT if she doesn’t want to be there.
BTW great show with Brett !!!!!!!
Yes, I noticed that too! A full hour for BOTH hours!
More Brett please!!!! He’d awesome!!!!
I know!!! I feel the same way. He is great. But he only comes on about once a year. I think TYT is really underrating him. It is such a waste. I think TYT prefer to have Ana in the second hour, misreading every graphic.
I found a lot of his commentary pretty annoying personally.
I agree Lucas.
Everyone on Fox News should come out on their forums as white, straight, and rich to protest Facebook and it’s “who cares” attitude with the gay’.
Of course, in reality, Fox News is probably made up of at least 30% bi-sexuals because they believe being gay is a choice.
I haven’t watched a second hour in awhile and I enjoyed this one a lot. Grace should keep rocking those sports bras. Brett does a great impression of a Jewish uncle and he made me laugh out loud when he said “Do you love your girlfriend? Yes, but not when I get drunk!”
It’s a great second hour because Ana is out and has been replaced by Brett!!!!
Aren’t all of cloned troopers NOT white? Are Republicans for or against that?
Wait. Cloned troopers were on the good side as mercenaries for hire, but then changed sides right? That’s a republican move.
Are there storm troopers that weren’t clones?
No matter what, it’s obvious the Republicans are on the dark side.
Bernie is a JEDI!
McConnell is Senator Palpatine
Finally, someone asks the hard questions.
No, those clones are all dead. After the clone wars, the emperor took old English extra actors and made them storm troopers. Whether they are white or not is unknown. They never take their helmets off.
I always thought that the clone troopers were just a part of Emperor Palpatine’s plan to seize power. After the Empire was fully established they could just conscript or recruit soldiers from the general public. Maybe some of the clone troopers are still around, but probably not many.
I’m getting tired of these all carnivore panels belittling vegetarians. I don’t agree with the landlord in the story because it’s none of his business how his tenants choose to live their lives, but how many times do you have to imply that vegetarians are crazy, then spend several minutes fawning over bacon?
eeehhh, you’re a little crazy…
I’m just tired of there being no vegetarian opinions represented on the show. They know it is more ethically and environmentally sound. They’ve admitted that several times, but then they take every chance to make fun of those who act on their convictions, and stop eating meat. I’ve been a vegetarian for more than 20 years, and I’ve never eaten meat because I was drunk, or tried to force my ways on someone entering into a business relationship with me. I’m not enraged, or threatening to cancel my membership, I just think it’s long past time TYT had some vegetarian viewpoints expressed on the show.
Keep the Gibbon off the real shows in future.