The Young Turks October 19, 2015 Hour 2

In Membership, The Young Turks Shows - Podcast Audio by klingbeil210 Comments

Brett Erlich and Grace Baldridge join Cenk for SCS. A Texas judge has ruled that the state can deny birth certificates to children born here to undocumented mothers. They are also rejecting the Mexican consulate’s documentation that proves the legal documentation of the parent as a Mexican citizen. Amazon is suing 1000 people for falsifying product reviews for vendors’ products in need of more positive ratings. Brett goes over a couple of his fake, negative reviews. Cenk admits he religiously leans on customer reviews on Amazon and Yelp. A study showed that tipping well at a restaurant is more based on race, age, breast size, and hair color than on quality of service.

Babies for Bernie is gaining steam on the internet, where people photoshop their new babies to look like Bernie Sanders. A Seattle landlord has decided to offer his apt at a $200 discount if the tenants are vegan or vegetarian. Grace is on his side. A Florida elementary school gave kids a lifeboat quiz that asked them which people they would kick off since there isn’t enough room for everyone. The list had different races, genders, celebrities, politicians, and occupations. Brett loves the idea of this quiz for all the wrong reasons. A larger number of people are coming out of the closet on Facebook compared to in their real life. Grace is against people coming out on social media.

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