Bernie Sanders is planning a major speech on Democratic Socialism since so many opponents have characterized it as evil. The numbers of people that view the term Socialism as a positive term has grown, while the number that view Capitalism as positive has dwindled. A Republican Congressman from Alabama has declared that he wants to impeach Hillary Clinton before she even gets the Democratic nomination. Now that Marvel has made Captain America a Black man and fighting anti-immigrant bigots, Fox and Friends has lost their mind over it. Video of the panel lamenting the decision by the comic book.
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‘Fox & Friends’ Thinks The New Captain America Hates Them
GOP Congressman Already Floating Impeachment For Hillary Clinton
Bernie Sanders announces speech to explain principles of ‘democratic socialism’ to US public
Donald Trump is destroying Jeb Bush: Why his 9/11 gambit could be the last straw
Canada election: will anti-Harper sentiment be enough to bring progressives to power?
Canada election: Harper, Mulcair and Trudeau in tight race
55:20 Johnny on the soundboard!
I love how when Cenk brings up “Man In Black” (the Johnny Cash song), John makes a reference to “Men In Black” and they end up basically having two different conversations at the same time. It appears John has a “no conversations about music when I’m around!” policy…
Not working on Chromecast… Very Important feature to be crashing every 2 seconds. Great show just won’t cast from mobile only from desktop.
Please Cenk. Learn when to use ‘fewer’ and ‘when to use ‘less.’ This is a daily problem.
They mock Steve Oh and his memo about grammar but they really should read it and take it to heart.
It always feels like nails on a chalk board for me when Cenk pronounces certain words, for example, I have never heard ‘bury’ pronounced ‘burry’ from anyone else,
You can even google the correct way to pronounce the word ‘bury’ and is it described as [ˈberē].
John: “… protect you from Russian tanks”?
USA have never been under such threat. John is doing ORWELLIAN fearmongering on this issue.
Has anyone fed you lately? How can you say never?
This is just fact; there was never such threat.
Damnit, Cenk, John, and even Bernie doesn’t even know what democratic socialism is. What Bernie is advocating for is social democracy. Social democracy is a mixed economy with a strong welfare state. Democratic socialism is the public control over the means of production, but in a democratic manner rather than an authoritarian manner.
They should’ve spent 2 more minutes on the Fox and Friends piece and busted out a TYT throwback clip from like 08′ or 09′ when Cenk and Ben covered Clinton telling a Fox news reporter “At least I tried… and all the conservatives saying I didn’t do enough now, were telling me I was too focused on Bin Laden back then”
“You think you’re coming for me but you better watch out because if I win i’m coming for you.
You’ve mistaken me for someone who’s threatened by you. I am the threat. I’m the one who
knocks”. Damn Cenk, that gave me chills!!! You really should be a speech writer. No way Hilary would actually say anything close to that but what do you expect. Sounds like something Frank Underwood would say looking into camera!
Jon is the second best host on TYT after Cenk. Don’t listen to fools!