The Young Turks October 19, 2015 Hour 1

In Membership, The Young Turks Shows - Podcast Audio by klingbeil210 Comments

Cenk and Iadarola hosting. The Canadian elections are happening today, where PM Stephen Harper may be on his way out. Donald Trump started a firestorm with Jeb Bush when he brought up the fact that W. didn’t keep us safe while he was president. Video of Trump’s original statement where the Bloomberg interviewer challenged his assertion. Videos of Jeb defending George, claiming that no one thinks 9/11 was his fault. Video of Jake Tapper bringing up Jeb’s hypocrisy in blaming Hillary for Benghazi, but not blaming George for 9/11. Fox & Friends had Trump on to dissuade him from making points about how badly GW Bush handled 9/11. Video of their attempts to blame someone else.

Bernie Sanders is planning a major speech on Democratic Socialism since so many opponents have characterized it as evil. The numbers of people that view the term Socialism as a positive term has grown, while the number that view Capitalism as positive has dwindled. A Republican Congressman from Alabama has declared that he wants to impeach Hillary Clinton before she even gets the Democratic nomination. Now that Marvel has made Captain America a Black man and fighting anti-immigrant bigots, Fox and Friends has lost their mind over it. Video of the panel lamenting the decision by the comic book.

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