
  1. Excellent Post Game and great topics. I guess Steve can do a good job on the PG. Or maybe Jayar and Jesus give him more to work with than Dave.

  2. You three make a great team. Normally i dont care for the Friday post games but i watched this one all the way through. I like the minority perspectives from the three of you. The diversity creates a much more interesting dialogue.

  3. Pay Jayar and Jesus more and get them on more Friday Power Panels! And get Steve Oh on more early-midweek shows. I would love if Steve and Cenk did a first hour with stories they disagree on. We need to get more ON CAMERA diversity at TYT. It would also be awesome if you could get Eboni back and have more POC comedians like Aziz Ansari, Kumail Nanjiani and Aamer Rahman on the show.

  4. I really do like these Friday post games. The longer the better.

    I think in many ways the PC police have gone too far. Many people get too easily offended, Jayer is right that the context is important. Most of the time you can tell if someone is using a word in demeaning or angry way. As Ben always says, you don’t have a right not to be offended.

  5. YASS i definitely would like to see less white dudes on tyt. I fucking love Jesus and Jayar; i always get super excited when Jayar’s on the power panel on Fridays, which doesn’t happen often enough.

    Also, concerning the debate commentary & streaming thing, i found it impossible to watch both at the same time. I had to mute Cenk and them to actually watch the debate, so missed out on most of their comments. Maybe just tell them to shut up during the debate and take more notes down or something.

    1. Agreed. I think during the debate they can communicate through chat/twitter. I really enjoyed that twitter sidebar. Talk during the breaks and after. I would actually say the commentary over the republican debate is fine aince they say nothing interesting. During the more substantive democratic debate, no talking since they are discussing policy.

    2. It’s all about finding the right volume. One notch too many on either the tv or the computer and yur fucked. It did take me like 10 minutes though between the volume and the time delay between the west and east coasts of the US

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