Ana, Iadarola, and Margaret Howell of The LipTV on the Power Panel. After Sanders supporters were outraged over media outlets claiming that Hillary Clinton won the democratic debate despite every poll showing Sanders as the winner, a new NBC poll was released today showing that she won by 23 points. When the details of the poll were looked into, it turns out that a majority of the people polled didn’t see the debate, illustrating that they were influenced by skewed media coverage. The moment during the debate where Sanders stood up for Clinton about her emails has gotten a lot of attention. Video of MSNBC’s coverage of the moment where they edited out Bernie’s indictment of the media in reporting on the emails. Another video of his full comment that included the media’s part in pushing the nonsensical email scandal. Bernie Sanders’ campaign turned down a $2700 donation from the CEO of the pharmaceutical company that raised the price of a very necessary drug for HIV patients to $750. The CEO thought his money would get him a meeting with Sanders where he could convince him to form a policy that benefits his industry. Shkreli took offense to the rejection.
Trump and Carson’s campaign have threatened to pull out of the next CNBC debate over their proposals to make it longer than 2 hours and eliminate open and closing statements. CNBC caved to their demands. Rand Paul went after Bernie Sanders and claimed that his Socialist views will end up in genocide. Audio of his radio appearance. A mayoral candidate in Toledo got into a spat with a radio host after her bad appearance on his show. Video of her calling on God to take him out, leading her to speak in tongues.
Comes an Englishman riding to the rescue of the show as it is so hear me out and I’ll happily take evidence in rebuttal,.
Why do we watch this show, including those of us who wait around until 11PM for it even to start? Not that it ever starts at 11PM, of course….
In the absence of the thousands of dollars/pounds/euros it would take for some proper scientific polling I can only throw my own bet on the table so here it is.
It’s not really because it’s news. TYT doesn’t have an army of reporters out there and it’s clearly not a rolling news channel. If you’re after the daily narrative or the latest war you can get them better elsewhere. Even the odd and quirky can be found with a self curated Twitter list. I regularly do.
We watch it because it’s outrageous. We watch it because we believe the way the world in general and America in particular, works is wrong, cruel, wasteful of life and human potential and not only fundamentally misunderstood, but deliberately wrongly analysed by the mainstream media.
TYT is biased. It’s subjective. It’s the case for the prosecution against the way we are ruled. It’s ideological, not in some text-book doctrinaire way, perhaps. But the world is refracted through a supremely original, extremely accessible and decidedly left/liberal lens.
And because that left/liberal lens is not only founded on a belief in human equality, but on rationality and data, more often than not it sounds very right. Whether I agree with everything or not isn’t the point. Perhaps I agree 85% of the time. But any analysis that comes out of TYT, because it comes from this ideological perspective is immediately more interesting than anything pumped out of corporate news. I’ll take Ana over Rachel Madow any day.
There’s nothing quite like it that I know on either side of the Pond. Twenty minutes a day of Ana Kasperian on the BBC News Channel would scare the life out of the entire UK establishment and a good thing too. I really couldn’t care less if she or anyone else has trouble reading captions. I grew up with a technically flawless and supremely “objective” national broadcasting system that didn’t stop eighteen years of a Thatcherite Government. Or for that matter a war in Iraq most Brits opposed.
TYT is an attitude and a reminder. A constant one. Ana, John, Jimmy et al are strident and hard to ignore. I don’t find Cenk any more interesting than them, no less either. In truth the most original voice on TYT is Ben’s because it is slightly more traditional, and therefore a useful counterpoint to the rest of the group. He’s more serious and that’s needed but on its own it wouldn’t be enough.
I’m delighted TYT is giving younger journalists a chance in a world where that is going to be less and less the case. For what its worth I think Hannah Cranston is great and I suspect she’s half my age.
So, if you see TYT as the Cenk Comdey Club then less of him is an issue.
I don’t. I take it more seriously than that.
Thank you for your time.
I must say that your point on Ben is spot on. I love his point of view and I would agree it’s more conventional but only by TYT standards. Put him on a any Sunday morning show and he’d be seen as a far-left zealot. What I love about Ben is that he often quells Jimmy and Cenks rants about the system and counters with facts as to why things aren’t always as sinister as they seem. Sometimes I’m annoyed by his defense of the MSM and the Clinton’s but I’m glad as hell he’s there!! I can’t say the same about the “younger journalists” you mentioned. You easily dismiss Ana’s lack of professionalism by citing the BBC as an example of a polished network that failed to properly inform the British people. Style over substance if you will. But the two aren’t mutually exclusive. Ana can strive to be better AND continue to tell it like it is. I’ve never questioned her progressive ideals just her preparedness and glibness.
A great discussion here. In response to one writer, I do not “hate” Ana. I just find it harder and harder to listen to her delivery. I find myself just shutting it off and hoping the next day will be just Cenk or Ben etc.
And someone needs to tell Ana that not every article needs to begin with “Alright…”
Exactly!! BTW I also noticed that she always starts with “Alright:! LOL!!
I don’t want to go into a whole thing but if you could show me one story involving prison where Ana uses any phrase other than “behind bars” I would be shocked.
The more I watch the more I see the same phrases, it’s really grating. I’m glad you guys said something similar because I wasn’t sure if the problem was on my end or not.
OMG who is this crazy ass mayor woman. wow. Even by her own standards she is wrong. The rules for ppl who speak in tongues is you are not allowed to do it unless someone is around who has “the gift of interpretation.
I don’t believe in that sort of thing, but these ppl don’t even follow their own rules. Geeze
Took 4 fucking minutes for the show to start. I don’t fucking care about the new pretty face with empty analysis. Fuck TYT.
Ana is a fucking simpleton. Where the fuck is Cenk? Jesus Christ, anybody figured out how to pirate this content yet?
Oh, Darlin’ Glyph.
You’re soooo pretty when you’re angry~!
I nearly cream when you stomp your dainty little feet.
Maybe TYT could give your own show and we all could see
the rabid froth on your sweet lips.
Be still, my heart~!
You are way too dedicated to posting on everything Glyph talks about, and I side closer to him than you. I can’t do a friday without Ben, Cenk, or Jimmy.
I’ve heard Bernie Sanders is threatening to skip the next debate if it’s under 5 hours long.
…That was my attempt at Jimmy Dore humor. Sorry.
Here’s the thing. I like John and Ana as people, and they’re obviously good at their jobs. I’ll still tune in and share the videos and comment no matter what until the day you shut down, probably. But the reason I actually get my credit card out and give you money every month is because Cenk doing the first hour is my morning paper. Not Cenk on a powerpanel telling jokes with Jimi, not Cenk essentially being a guest while John hosts, and certainly not some recent college graduates giving me what I could get by just reading the comments on, because Cenk is busy “growing the business”.
So I went back in the archives just one month to see how often I’m getting what I want to pay for. Since the 17th of last month, there’ve been 23 shows.
We’ve had either power panels with Cenk, or John/Ana hosting while Cenk is a guest 12 times.
Cenk has been totally missing 7 times.
Cenk has actually hosted an hour 4 times.
4 times out of 23. What company would tolerate that kind of attendance record from their employee? If your morning paper went undelivered 19 times a month, would you cancel your subscription?
I understand that things change, and things end. If that’s what’s happening here, could you just announce it? If Cenk is now just one of the revolving guests on the John/Ana show, then please just say so, and we’ll all decide if that’s something we actually want to pay for.
I don’t understand why I write these comments. Nobody from the company has ever replied. I’m not some random on social media, I’m one of your paying customers writing to you via that medium you’ve set up for us. I don’t curse at you, or get personal. I don’t throw a shit fit every time there’s a story I don’t personally like. I’m not unspecific, or unconstructive (I hope).
For all the good it does me, I might as well be a vitriolic twitter troll. Those guys actually get mentioned on air from time to time, so I know you read them.
Thanks for articulating what I think a lot of us are thinking.
Thank you for saying this constructively, Although I’m sure all of the hosts are good at what they do, it’s disappointing to tune in for Cenk, only to see someone who was still in diapers when I graduated from college trying to explain world events to me.
I don’t think this is necessarily about young or inexperienced hosts. Michael Brooks is an excellent fill-in for Sam Seder on the Majority Report.
Thank you so much for your comments. You saved me a good deal of time by summing up exactly what I was thinking. Unfortunately I think you are correct that no one from TYT actually reads these comments. They seem to be more fascinated with the dribble on Twitter.
The only thing that I disagree with you on is Ana. What we need is more Cenk and less Ana. The next few weeks look hopeful since Ana is taking the next two weeks off. She mentioned that she would stay in touch via Twitter. Ana, don’t bother.
I seriously do not get the Ana hate. If Cenk is the most important host on TYT, then Ana is easily the second most important. Come on, do you really think she’s that bad? Honestly, I don’t even know why I’m asking; I guess just because it baffles me. I mean, Ana’s been on since 2007! If you’ve hated her this much from the beginning, then why didn’t you quit watching the show a long time ago?
Ana is very unsubstantive. That’s why people don’t like her. It’s just a waste of time to listen to her ‘analysis’.
Something people don’t mention is that Ana and to some extent Jon inhibit Cenk from doing his things. They interrupt his substance with their banality.
Her reading also bothers me a lot…. it didn’t so much at first, but over time I’ve started to find it really grating. It may seem like a minor, douchey nitpick, but the way she always stumbles on the graphics, misreads or substitutes words, can’t read the sentences all the way through and has to start over, puts the stresses on the wrong words like she doesn’t even know what it is that she’s reading, it really takes me out of the story in a way that’s becoming increasingly frustrating. Everything seems generally smooth and convincingly professional up to those moments and the sudden contrast is jarring.
She’s said that she knows its one of her weak points, and I would guess is maybe self-conscious about it, so I do feel a little bit bad for her on those grounds…. but she’s also said that it’s because she doesn’t wear her glasses because she doesn’t like how they look on camera, and if that’s not getting your priorities wrong then I don’t know what is.
If it was only once in awhile then it wouldn’t matter, everyone slips up, but it’s consistently at LEAST once per show and usually more. For a time, I thought it was just me being a dick and over-analyzing minor details, but it’s gotten to the point that even Cenk will occasionally cut her off and read the graphic through once quickly just to get it over with.
There are times when I’ve had to pause the video and just read the graphic for myself. I don’t know how people who listen to the audio-only version are able to manage.
Anyway, the reason I bring that up in response to your comment in particular is that I feel like it’s part of what makes her seem unsubstantive, when maybe that’s not entirely fair. She goes to great lengths to try to speak with an authoritative, strong tone about whatever the subject is, but as soon as she hits a graphic and starts stuttering and going “uhhh… wh.. yeah” it just saps the believably out of it. I think it might be because if you can read something smoothly and comfortably aloud, it doesn’t come off like you’re reading, but if you’re having trouble with it, then it immediately starts to seem like you’re just reading from an article and don’t have your own thoughts.
Hopefully it’s just a matter of practice? Again, I feel like kind of a dick for ranting about this, but I also feel like if this were ironed out or taken more seriously, less people would hold the notion that shes an airhead that just reads. I dunno man :/
I agree man. She’s very bad at reading. More annoying than stumbling is the substituting of words. It’s misquoting people/articles and is extremely unprofessional.
I have only had to stop and read for myself like twice but it does make it hard to follow.
You may as well cancel your membership then. It’s only going to get worse. It’s been explained several times by other members, but in case you missed it, here’s how this works.
They get money from their sponsors and YouTube. They get some money from paying members, but it’s just a little bit. If you want to change the format you have to go to youtube and form an army of commenters who complain nonstop about the format for about a month in the YouTube comments, so they know what the problem is. Then you have to make their unique visit numbers drop dramatically on their YouTube channel, and then they will listen.
Other than that, at least as a member you get to come here and complain and other members will join you and nod in agreement with you. I hardly ever watch the show anymore, but not because of Cenk. I want more Ben. I want more Steve. I only pay as a member, because I support Wolf-Pac. I really think it’s our best chance at fixing the major issues of our nation besides open revolt. It’s not much money, and sometimes the shows are really good.
Why not just give the money directly to Wolf-Pac then?
I do give to my local chapter of wolf-pac, but the main show is how we spread the message to the entire nation, My money isn’t much, but it helps support that.
Ah, I see.
Thank for this @duncanmarshall, I am here for both the entertainment value i.e, John/Ana and other but Equally for Cenk’s first hour. I feel like I am getting 50% if not less of what I was getting.
Someone from the company need to pay attention. I know I am not a big bucks subscriber like the few who are, but not to sound like a cliche, I feel I am a part of the many silent voices.
Well put, I completely agree. Here’s hoping this accomplishes something, but I won’t place any bets
If this was called “The Cenk Show”, I could better understand the disappointment with Cenk not being in many of the shows. I think the expectations are unreasonable. I also don’t understand the dislike of the young hosts from some of the commenters, I mean “young” is in the title of the organization, so there is obviously going to be young people hosting the show.
I don’t understand how someone can not understand. I pay for a show to get a thing, but the show doesn’t have that thing so much anymore. I’m not demanding anything, or being angry, I just want it clarified if the thing I deem worthy of payment is going to remain scarce in the future.
Obviously the show doesn’t need to be called “The Cenk Show” for us all to understand he was the central value proposition. Or was, anyway. I hope it will be again soon.
Hate to say it. I feel a loss too. Did they say they will be taking comments from Firetalk all the time now? So us tweeters will be ignored now.
With Cenk gone so much, I am starting to think of this as not his show. Don’t like the rants as much, seems like “who are you to interrupt and rant, your not the host anymore”
Also, ALL WOMEN STOP SAYING FEMALE, SAY WOMAN. or did Ana say Female dominated because TYT won’t let a woman over 25 on the show, so maybe saying girl is OK.. Can’t have a fully grown woman on. might frighten the guys..
I am in a bad mood today. not a good time to comment, but oh well. I did anyway.
I miss the Cenk hour and am starting to question my membership. Key word being starting, because honestly I’m not there yet.
If we’re registering our opinions on the topic here, then I disagree – I find different combination of panellists much more entertaining than just Cenk in hour one, Cenk/Ana in hour two. That format has been done to death frankly.
I hear that thought… Although I do think it’s a format that works.
Duncan~ Good and well thought out and CIVIL. While I’m not in 100% agreement, I really
appreciate your research and style.
IMO you’re the perfect Anti-Glyphon.
Agree with you 100%
ignore the haters, always voice what you think
The only way to get their attention is to do a mass de-registration day, and deliver the content via torrent sites, so we all still get to watch them and cancel our membership at the same time. we’d start organizing this 6 weeks in advance to give people time to adjust to getting the content off torrent sites and to notify everyone.
I’m game to try. Over time, John has gotten better at delivering the information. It’s still not Cenk though. On the other hand, if Ana is in the first hour I haven’t been able to get past the first few minutes of the show. I have been consistent in saying over the past couple of years that I periodically check to see if there’s been improvement in Ana’s delivery. There hasn’t to date. She’s in the first hour more and more – given the statistics above, possibly more this past month than even Cenk. If this pattern continues, it will likely be time to cancel my membership which is a shame as I’ve been a paying member for many years now.
I just clicked agree without actually reading when I signed up, but I have the strong assumption we all agreed to *not* do what you’re describing when we became members.
Well said. Mostly agree. John has come a long way, and I actually like Ana in a supporting role in first hour, once in a while. So I don’t mind if Cenk has to miss a couple shows a month. But it sometimes seems to me Cenk is slowly trying to phase himself out, perhaps looking for a successor for the first hour.
Remember I think it was Thursday show Cenk has been doing something and said he will maybe next week and let us all know.
There seems to always be a thing.
Brother…..EXCELLENT post. Thank you for writing what, I dare say, MOST of us are thinking/feeling. Hopefully Dave or someone who cares and has power reads this.
Support 1 million percent. I’ve watched so few shows over the past month and have been considering cancelling for a while now.
Your comment is not only 100% correct, it should be studies by the hateful and vitriolic youtube crowd on how to present a succinct and clear argument without engaging in ad hominem attacks. I especially agree about Cenk hosting. I’ve given up on the second-hour months ago for obvious reasons but I have come to expect the first-hour to be hosted by Cenk where I get his commentary on the days news. An alternative perspective to the mainstream news with a lot of Cenkoisms peppered in! Unfortunately, Ana has been co-hosting the first hour a lot lately forcing me to not only miss the second hour, which I’ve come to terms with, but having to miss the show entirely! Like JDGroove said, I think I’ve watched significantly less TYT over the past month because the show hasn’t been the same! As for the power-panel Friday show this was NOT a power panel! You can’t have a power panel without Cenk, Ben, Jimmy or Wes! I understand because of scheduling reasons why you can’t have all of them there and that’s fine but you can’t throw out this motley crew and expect everything to be fine and dandy!! I kindly ask that someone from TYT just take a minute of their time and let us know where exactly TYT is heading. We are not some randoms bitching about free content. We’re paying subscribers supporting a product we believe in not because we have to but because we want to. Everyone on this comment section is clearly an ally and all we want to now is what the hosting situation is moving on. Are we to expect more of this or are things going to revert back??