Ana, Iadarola, and Margaret Howell of The LipTV on the Power Panel. After Sanders supporters were outraged over media outlets claiming that Hillary Clinton won the democratic debate despite every poll showing Sanders as the winner, a new NBC poll was released today showing that she won by 23 points. When the details of the poll were looked into, it turns out that a majority of the people polled didn’t see the debate, illustrating that they were influenced by skewed media coverage. The moment during the debate where Sanders stood up for Clinton about her emails has gotten a lot of attention. Video of MSNBC’s coverage of the moment where they edited out Bernie’s indictment of the media in reporting on the emails. Another video of his full comment that included the media’s part in pushing the nonsensical email scandal. Bernie Sanders’ campaign turned down a $2700 donation from the CEO of the pharmaceutical company that raised the price of a very necessary drug for HIV patients to $750. The CEO thought his money would get him a meeting with Sanders where he could convince him to form a policy that benefits his industry. Shkreli took offense to the rejection.
Trump and Carson’s campaign have threatened to pull out of the next CNBC debate over their proposals to make it longer than 2 hours and eliminate open and closing statements. CNBC caved to their demands. Rand Paul went after Bernie Sanders and claimed that his Socialist views will end up in genocide. Audio of his radio appearance. A mayoral candidate in Toledo got into a spat with a radio host after her bad appearance on his show. Video of her calling on God to take him out, leading her to speak in tongues.