A NY couple is facing manslaughter charges after they beat their teenaged son to death with the help of fellow church members. After they beat both their 17 and 19 year old sons for days, the older one died. A woman flying on American Airlines was aggressively yelled at by flight attendants and eventually tossed off of her flight because she was taking too long to put her bag in the overhead compartment. Immediately after they threw her off, her seat was given away to another passenger. Ana points out that their motivation was to give a seat away since they overbooked their flights, the way they always do. Pornhub has taken further steps against revenge porn being allowed on their site. A school principal was fired from her job after she appeared in a Trey Songz video. Her role in the video was an older lady that lent out her house to the singer to have a wild party at.
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‘Shame on American!’ Airline booed after weeping woman is thrown off a flight
Ariz. GOPer: Let’s ‘Take Guns Away From Blacks As They Are The Main Killers’
Lamar Odom Did Cocaine Before He Collapsed At Brothel: Sheriff
High School Principal Not a Principal Anymore After Appearing in a Trey Songz Video
People are getting shot by toddlers on a weekly basis this year
United bought out Continental.
American and USAir merged.
Best Schwarzenegger quote of all time, speaking to troops at Ramstein “I played the Terminator in a movie, but you are the real Terminators” I fucking shit you not.
now I’m just going to give more money to the NRA cuz i love you but ya have no context on on the gun world at all and it pains me to hear you have talk when you have no fucking clue what your talking about.
Are you a retarded person?
I’m fucking trolling about the NRA but it pains me when they talk about guns. They have no clue what they are talking about. like I understand no guns in NYC, dont care to have any on a school campus but dont tell me what to do in my own fucking house. I like to shoot varmint eating my garden I cant do that if i have to unlock my 22 rile and come back when i dont have any dam kids in my house or for a mile or 2. If i have kids I would of course lock up my guns fuck yeah I’m not stupid. What ever happened to liberty. I dont own all this land to look at it, I wanna fucking use it.
I watched this whole damn video and I didn’t hear Ana or Cenk mention Denver Matt. As a matter of fact, I’ve never heard your name brought up in any debate about guns. So, I must ask, why the fuck do you think your experiences determine whether or not we should have stricter gun laws? Just because you don’t have kids and just because you claim that you would lock up your guns, doesn’t mean a god damn thing to a country of 300 million people. Your argument is basically, “It raining where I’m at and so it must be raining everywhere.”
Your rebuttal makes mo scene. States rights … drops the mike fyi go fuck yourself
so, ultimately, the answer to the question “are you retarded” is “yes, I am retarded”. Why didn’t you just say that?
Lol o could be retarded but that just means a disabled peson is fucking your mom
she does love the disabled.
Good game
there is no babys in my house why would i care and also fuck you ana and your smart guns
You seem lost.
Please tell me this is a parody??? Please?