After the Democratic debate, Donald Trump went after Bernie Sanders for his stance. Video of Trump calling Sanders a maniac, Socialist/Communist at a rally. At the same rally, some anti-Trump protesters showed up to speak against his immigration hate. Video of a Trump supporter spitting in the face of one of the protesters. Bill O’Reilly was debating the BlackLivesMatter movement and compared them once again to the KKK. Video of O’Reilly talking down Eboni Williams. Ben Carson is getting his adolescent energy policy from GOP megadonor, oil & coal billionaire, and energy investor, T. Boone Pickens. This will be Carson’s new master for the campaign donations. Cenk declares that anyone in the oil business that took part in destroying the planet shouldn’t be allowed to keep the profits that the rest of the citizenry has to pay for.
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WATCH: Fight Breaks Out at Trump Rally Between Supporters and Protesters
A Massive National Security Leak Just Blew the Lid off Obama’s Drone War
Fox’s Bill O’Reilly Compares Black Lives Matter Movement To The KKK
Carson gets energy advice from T. Boone Pickens
Donald Trump: Bernie Sanders Is a ‘Maniac’ and ‘Communist’
Really spit? You are covering Trumps fans now?
The drone strikes are terrorist activity! What is the difference of US terrorist and Muslim terrorist?
Muslims tend to subjugate their own people by force. the US tends to subjugate their own people by economics. (of course you can say both tend to do it by force and economics but lets be real, a nation governed by secular laws is going to be more concerned with equal rights for non muslims than a muslim society with theocratic laws.)
Drone strikes how they are carried out currently are indeed unethical.
But the alternative to drones is sending in our military and then there are even more casualties. Or you don’t go in at all and then you let fascism take over. Should we be smarter about our operations? Yes. Do you let ISIS fascists grow stronger in the region? I’m curious where you fall on this. Because as it stands, the 30,000 of ISIS are surrounded by an Arab Muslim army of 5,000,000 and they can’t seem to muster the courage to justify stopping their onslaught for good.
The Arab Muslims coalitions are either complicit or incompetent.
By the same definition that they have for enemy combatants, than the terrorist who flew into the towers on 9/11 killed 2,996 enemy combatants. Sickening to say the least. We’re now the murderers.
A lot of people would probably find that statement offensive (simply for mentioning 9/11), but it’s exactly right. I’d say it’s a bit more offensive when we kill innocent people in the middle east, and then call them “enemy combatants”.
After listening to the drone bombing segment i was thinking “So are we now a terrorist nation?” But then i thought about it a bit more, and honestly we’re worse than that. We’re just murderers. Because we’re not killing those guys to spread fear or in the same of some kind of ideology. We’re just killing them. And we KNOW by now that it doesn’t reduce the number of terrorists, it increases them, so it’s not for the purpose of stamping out terrorism. It’s just a game of whackamole with no end in sight.
We’re just fucking murderers.
My thoughts exactly.
I wonder if Cenk doesn’t like to be solo in the first hour.
I wish someone would ask Sanders and others if they would actually punish war criminals and actually look behind at real criminals. I like Sanders, but that’s something no one has asked him on and unsure what he’d say. I am worried that is one area he would be weak on.
well, the election is still over a year away. There’s still time.
Ya, but it seems like something that’ll be unliked asked to anyone running.
Would the drone strike program under Trump target immigrants or potential immagrants?
The US MIC has become an international thug for hire. Maybe they dint like Assad because ge wouldnt by American “services”.
To put the drone mass murder program in a different context: How would people react if cops used bombs instead of guns to kill bad guys and then labeled the innoscent dead as criminals. Fucking terrifying.
well said!
You know it’s gonna be a heavy first hour when you want to puke after the first story.
Nice Hour. Cenk has come a long way since his conservative youth. I applaud his improved take on the terrorism of the US empire. He’s been asking a lot lately “are we the good guys?”. That’s good. He has a ways to go, though.
He still thinks it’s ok to send special forces into any country on Earth and assassinate people. If it’s not ok for Iran or North Korea to send trained killers into the United States to assassinate people they have a problem with, then it’s not ok for anyone to do it. If you still think the US can do it anyway, then that’s not law or justice. That’s just brute force violence, which is what terrorists do. It doesn’t matter if you think you have a good reason, so will the people who want to do the same in the US. Many ruthless puppet dictators have been sheltered inside the US. Many people have good reasons to want to kill those people. It’s still not ok.
If you, as Cenk does, want cops to follow the law even though it’s harder, even though the “bad guy” might get away, even if you might get in trouble for murdering the wrong people, then the same rules apply to everyone. Yes, it’s harder. Yes, it could go wrong. yes, it doesn’t give you that rock hard vengeance boner that you got ’em, killed ’em dead, but that’s civilization. That’s law and order. You have to be consistent. Still, he’s come a long way. Good on him.
I don’t think you have enough periods. I suppose you think it was wrong to go in to pakistan and kill Bin Laden huh.
I suppose you would have voted against ending ethnic cleansing in Kosovo.
It’s absurd to think there is never a justification for force. In fact, aggression is an evolutionary tool for competition and natural selection. Doesn’t make mean it is always ethical but it is quite easy to justify.
Do you allow the Germans to kill all the Jews? Or do you try to kill Hitler?
Do you let ISIS behead infidels and bury homosexuals alive? Or do you Kill Baghdadi?
Your Noam Chomsky isolationist pacifism is delusional utopian strategy that doesn’t apply to the real world.
100% agree.
Really, 100%, even with the spelling and grammar errors and the odd spacing? Surely that would knock you down to 99 or 98% just for readability. No? total 100% support?
lol gathly, don’t get so mad at people who disagree with you, it’s off putting. Rather disrespectful, it makes you seem a bit childish.
It was a joke. It was a play on the absurdities of superlative phrasing. You do love to take words I’ve said to you earlier and say them back to me don’t you?
I found your comment funny. And yes, 98.2% is more like it.
You have a real problem with reading comprehension. Perhaps that quick reading you were bragging about earlier should be reevaluated. I’m not a pacifist, nor did I say anything about their never being any justification for force. I was asking the most basic question about any system of morality or justice. If it is wrong for them to do it, then it is wrong for us to do it. If I can slap you all day, and get away with it, but the second you slap me, I blow your head off and then kill your entire family, that’s not law or justice or morality. If it is illegal for any other country to fly military planes into the united states and just start bombing places that house someone they want to kill, then it is illegal for the US to do it too, or we don’t have international law. If we don’t have international law, then the US is a terrorist rogue nation that rules by force.
You seem very eager to point out the crimes of US enemies, but incapable of noticing US crimes. ISIS is terrible. They kill people. The US also kills people, lots of them. They kill a lot more people than ISIS, actually.. They have killed over a million people just in Iraq alone. Why don’t you ever talk about that? Why is that crime never ever talked about with the same vitriol as you have for every crime you can dig up by any Muslim in the world? Let me answer for you, because you’re ignorant. You’ve bought totally into the propaganda that looks at “their” violence and murder and ignores “our” violence and murder.
The story Cenk was reporting on here, the leaked drone documents, show that 9/10 people that are killed by US drones aren’t even the people they thought they were killing, and even when they were the people they thought, they may not have been involved, since the only thing linking them to anything is a computer program matching up metadata to SIM cards and GPS.. If ISIS was doing that in the US, you would literally never shut up about it. Why? Because you’re ignorant. You don’t think of an entire world of human beings. You can only think in teams. There’s “the good guys” (hey, how convenient, that’s us) and then there’s “the bad guys”. The “real world” you keep telling me about doesn’t have these black and white terms. That is the simplistic framing you have in a fairy tale, a child’s mind, and propaganda.
Speaking of “allowing the Germans to kill all the Jews” did you know that there was a massive effort to extract Jews from Nazi Germany before the war broke out? Did you know Hitler was willing to let them leave? Did you know that millions could have been saved, but the US refused to take them. I know, that’s history, which it isn’t important to read before forming your opinions. Speaking of the Bin Laden assassination, did you know that they used a fake vaccination drive to confirm that he was hiding in that house, and that since they were exposed once they raided the house that vaccination drives are now impossible to do in Pakistan and children are dying from preventable diseases now because of that? When you’re just a throbbing revenge boner, you may feel good shooting and blowing your way through other countries and cultures, but it isn’t actually an intelligent way to address the world. With regard to Kosovo, I’m not sure what would have been best there. Since I don’t know enough of the underlying context and history of that conflict, I don’t have an opinion on that. Have you ever considered trying that?
UN didn’t sanction Bin Laden, I’m not in favor of most foreign policy killing, I’m actually closer to Cenk on this issue than you are. And the US provided the majority of the Air Cover during Kosovo so don’t give me this ‘It was all the UN’ balogni.
What did killing Bin Laden accomplish other than vengeance?
Tell that to the people at ground zero, and to the relatives of the victims. By this logic should we not go after Al-Baghdadi? What did it accomplish? I believe I can echo Ned Stark here, ‘justice’. :) again, we can disagree without throwing temper tantrums.
I don’t think you have enough periods. I suppose you think it was wrong to go in to pakistan and kill Bin Laden huh.
I suppose you would have voted against ending ethnic cleansing in Kosovo.
It’s absurd to think there is never a justification for force. In fact, aggression is an evolutionary tool for competition and natural selection. Doesn’t mean it is always ethical but it is quite easy to justify.
Do you allow the Germans to kill all the Jews? Or do you try to kill Hitler?
Do you let ISIS behead infidels and bury homosexuals alive? Or do you Kill Baghdadi?
Your Noam Chomsky isolationist pacifism is a delusional utopian strategy that doesn’t apply to the real world.
You still don’t get it. A unified UN back force of multiple nations addressing humanitarian crisis is entirely different to the US charging in when they feel like it.
UN didn’t sanction Bin Laden, I’m not in favor of most foreign policy killing, I’m actually closer to Cenk on this issue than you are. And the US provided the majority of the Air Cover during Kosovo so don’t give me this ‘It was all the UN’ balogni.
I didn’t relate the UN to any specific event, I was making a general distinction. You don’t know where I am on the issue, however since you actually believe the US defeated the Nazis your position is quite clear.
I don’t know where you are on the issue, but I’m not about to get upset and get mad that you disagree with me. We are allowed to believe whatever we want no matter how much we disagree.
Where did I say the U.S. defeated the Nazi’s? When you have to make up stuff like that, it’s rather difficult to take anything you say seriously. And you are quite delusional if you don’t think the U.S. strongly contributed to the defeat of the Nazi’s, supplying Britain, stretching the Nazi forces out and away from concentrating on the Russians.
Again, I’m closer to Cenk on this issue. Of course there are situations you can justify extreme force, like attempting to stop the Yazidi genocide on Mount Sinjar. A philosophy of pacifism is unrealistic. Fighting genocide and slavery are the easiest examples of why that is the case.
But again, for people who can’t hold more than one thought at a time, of course we should be smarter about our foreign policy. Most of the way these killings are done do seem very very unethical.
I’ll be frank, your knowledge is limited, your reasoning infantile and I’m not inclined to enlighten you.
No one needs your enlightenment friend. You have only proven that you cannot play in the big leagues. If you could muster a response you would have. I am convinced you are as shallow as your insults.
Big Leagues = Young Turks Members Comment Section. lmao
Big Leagues = People who can articulate ideas without being personally offended.