The Young Turks September 25, 2015 Hour 2

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 2 - On Demand by klingbeil215 Comments

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Hannah replaces Elliot for SCS. A high school student was caught on tape beating a bully to the ground after seeing him punching a blind student. He perceived hero has been suspended and kicked off the football team. A Saudi prince was arrested after a woman was seen screaming and bleeding while scaling a wall to escape his Beverly Hills home. He was arrested for forced oral copulation of the woman. Sean Penn is filing a $10 million defamation lawsuit against Lee Daniels for invoking his name when defending Terrence Howard of domestic abuse. Hillary Clinton was interviewed by Lena Dunham, where the topic of Lenny Kravitz’ full frontal exposure came up.

Some dry counties in KY have been found to have more meth labs. The moist and wet counties have lower numbers of meth use. A new study showed that people who fidget while sitting for extended periods negate the negative effects of sitting in one place.


  1. “When you have the credibility of being a feminist you have the ability to joke around in different context”

    Tell that to feminist. A comment like that about womens breast or butt would lose me a job or many other men. You have reported on it.

    Besides we have and talk about the videos or pictures of Little Lenny being shared around but looking at the celebrities nudes hack is wrong?

    I think people are wrong on both sides. I know I know, women for so long have had their bodies covetted that its ok to be as doggish as possible for a man’s body. Got it.

    1. It’s just not the same. Men are still valued beyond appearance by greater society and always have been, so one person objectifying them doesn’t contribute to their overall experience in life as a whole. It’s just that one person. There are structural power systems involved beyond the individual experience.

      If you move beyond value based solely on appearances, you could say that society as a whole puts undue pressure on men to repress their emotions and to “be strong” and condemns them for not having a lot of money and being a provider if they don’t have those things. That is one of the things that feminism addresses, the injustices of predetermined gender roles.

      1. The comparison with the nude hack was kind of silly – it’s not like Lenny got hacked or anything, it happened in public, and I agree with the overall sentiment of your post – HOWEVER I doubt that objectification of guys like Lenny Kravitz, George Clooney etc. is not an issue for them – it’s not just “one person”, and it definitely “contribute[s] to their overall experience in life as a whole”

        Also, I remember a clip where Cenk and Ana wanted to proove that appearance is not an issue for men by showing a clip of another news anchor who wore a different colored suit every day and no one commented on it… But I just thought “it was still a suit though”. What if I’d tell Ana, Hannah or any of the women at TYT that they can wear any color they like as long as they wear a dress, or a skirt, or pants (but only one of those) – how’d they react? If the anchor had worn Bermuda shorts fe, are you sure no one had commented?

        The overall societal truth that women are disinfranchised compared to men, who are privileged, can and should not cloud our views on ANY issue, and besides the things you mentioned there are definitely others that men have to deal with, that we don’t even recognize. Let’s also not forget that the same fact can be interpreted differently some times – yet what we have to do doesn’t have to be concerned by that.

        guys are complaing that they can’t get into a bar or that they’ve less chance to see/take care of their kids in case of a divorce –
        Is that unfair to the guys or is it sexism, because the reason in both cases are gender roles (sexual exploitation of women in the first, women as the primary caretaker of children)? So feminists and MRA guys are fighting each other over the interpretation till the last of their days – yet the cold just combine their forces and fight for equal entrance to bars and equal treatment of men and women in front of family courts – WHO CARES ABOUT THE PRINCIPLE? All that matters is an effective STRATEGY AND TACTICS to reach your goals/get what you want…

  2. Any time I see a bully beating anyone equall or below their size I would celebrate my kid stepping up to defend them. That the person was blind make me want to give the kid a metal for doing what everyone present should have done. I would cheer him if he/she stepped in or get help to stop bully’s picking on anyone that was totally defensive, especially if you are bigger or more skilled than the bully’s.

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