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Mike Huckabee thinks Syrian refugees aren’t fleeing ‘tyranny’ — they’re just looking for ‘cable TV’
The Latest: Hundreds seek to cross Turkey-Greece border
Has the requested segment been uploaded on a different page?
TYT POLITICSSubscribe Today!!
I am already a subscriber, and yet every time i make an inopportune movement of my cursor, this pops up for a really long time. Can this be fixed?
You can click on the main page behind the ad to make it
disappearwhat’s a boarder going to do? and is there a hostel or bed and breakfast available on the hungarian-serbian border to accommodate him or her?
Thank You Jeni…You’re always on top of things ;)
Hi, is the debate coverage video available for members? Or was this available live only?
The full segment will be posted for members in the next day or two. It’s 3 hours of footage so it takes some time to process. Highlight clips will be uploaded to our YouTube channel shortly. Thanks for your patience!
Hi Jeni! thanks for the response – I’m in Australia I didn’t realise what time it was etc etc and that the debate would still be live, after posting my question I decided to check the live stream and was able to catch some of the debate and the post debate analysis, so my question was very premature :)
it’s ok because there are thousands of others that want it posted, so the answer answered a question that i totally had.
do you read the comments for all main show video postings?