The Young Turks September 16, 2015 Hour 2

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 2 - On Demand by klingbeil2110 Comments

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Jimmy, Cenk, Ana, and John are hosting. Hungary acted out this week to put a boarder up between Hungary and Serbia. Some of the refugees fled a war zone to go to Hungary for freedom but instead Hungary is treating them with brutality and inhumane. Mike Huckabee thinks that the refugees are coming to freedom for cable tv and other perks. Elizabeth Warren wants to pass a bill to stop companies from doing a credit checks before hiring them.

Hour 2 Source Articles:
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Mike Huckabee thinks Syrian refugees aren’t fleeing ‘tyranny’ — they’re just looking for ‘cable TV’

The Latest: Hundreds seek to cross Turkey-Greece border


  1. TYT POLITICSSubscribe Today!!

    I am already a subscriber, and yet every time i make an inopportune movement of my cursor, this pops up for a really long time. Can this be fixed?

  2. what’s a boarder going to do? and is there a hostel or bed and breakfast available on the hungarian-serbian border to accommodate him or her?

    1. The full segment will be posted for members in the next day or two. It’s 3 hours of footage so it takes some time to process. Highlight clips will be uploaded to our YouTube channel shortly. Thanks for your patience!

      1. Hi Jeni! thanks for the response – I’m in Australia I didn’t realise what time it was etc etc and that the debate would still be live, after posting my question I decided to check the live stream and was able to catch some of the debate and the post debate analysis, so my question was very premature :)

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