Cenk and Ana for SCS to start the show. A 14 year old Muslim high school student was arrested after showing up to school in Irving, TX with a clock he built for a science project. The teachers got scared when they thought it was a bomb and called police. The boy likes to tinker and build things. The mayor of Irving released a statement touting the safety protocol of the school standards for safety, without apology. She also has a history of pushing Islamophobia within the town a few years ago when she pushed local officials to act against the “Sharia Law” that was infiltrating the city. The picture of the kid being taken away in handcuffs with his NASA t-shirt on had an emotional effect on Ana. The positive reaction to the kid was wonderful, including President Obama offering him a trip to the White House. Comedian Steve Rannazzisi has admitted to lying about his story of where he was on 9/11. His story detailed how he was inside the South Tower of the WTC and his escape.
Matt Damon is catching hell for an episode of his show that has filmmakers compete for production jobs. Video of an excerpt of the episode that shows Damon telling a Black production member that diversity comes in the casting of the actors of a film rather than the casting of the creative production team. The ladies of The View are taking heat for making fun of Miss Colorado’s nursing outfit during the pageant that included a stethoscope. Cenk defends them. Alabama is considering implementing a porn tax to fill their financial problems.