A dentist from Minnesota has been identified as the man that killed a famous lion in Zimbabwe that was known to be friendly toward humans. He bribed someone $55K to lure the lion out of the national park before he shot him with a crossbow and eventually decapitated it. A new ruling allows women with a high level of testosterone to continue to compete against other women without. The phenomenon of “Moss Viewing” is picking up momentum in Japan, where many people gather to analyze and admire moss. Jayar gives his zapped theory on Japan again. San Francisco is trying to minimize their public urination problem by using a repellant paint that causes urine to bounce back onto the pisser.
Hour 2 Source Articles:
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Cecil the lion’s killer revealed as American dentist
Police think even a holographic Chief Keef concert is too risky
Exclusive: Officers investigated after inmate is treated like animal
Pee-Proof Paint Job: San Francisco Hopes Special Paint Will Curb Public Urination Issues [Video] http://www.inquisitr.com/2283096/pee-proof-paint-job-san-francisco-hopes-special-paint-will-curb-public-urination-issues-video/
…Except Eric Clapton didn’t write “I Shot The Sheriff”, Bob Marley did! I vote no T-shirt for Chris Bradshaw! ;)
“I’m a wise guy, I don’t drive by, I just stop by, with a couple a guys. It’s the bitches that’ll get ya’s”
– Joe Pesci; from his album “Vincent LaGuardia Gambini Sings Just For You” Track title “Wise Guy”
True comment about the PR for Chief Keef. “And Rahm be scared when he see my hologram, hot damn”
urine repellant pee… great so it will repel off the wall and land on the non repellant ground in front of the building. problem solved?
Bow hunters are shit heads many animals are hit by a bolt or an arrow and are never successfully tracked and the animal suffers for a long time before it dies.
How many feet can Ana fit in her mouth?
Th Lion, Cecil, was first shot by the dentist w/ an arrow and rand off. It took the
group 40 hours {{FORTY HOURS]] to track Cecil down and finish him off so he could become a decapitated, skinned trophy for the mighty hunter.
Cecil has cubs with a lioness in their pride.
In the way of lions in nature, there will be another alpha male lion showing up
soon who will KILL Cecil’s cubs. This will cause the mother to go into heat so
the new leader can impregnate her and continue his own line.
That’s nature, folks.
As to the dentist:: Would you like a root canal~? I suspect he may need some
new patients.
Shame this vile big game hunting coward~!
Seriously, I hope Ana’s head gets bigger and bigger until she no longer fits on the show. As she laughed because she somehow didn’t understand the Freak Sixteen, what I heard was I’m too important for everyday goings on on TYT – “I ain’t got time for that (obnoxious laugh).”
Shitty and annoying commentary from you as usual, Ana. I hope Cenk stops readying tweets that will bolster your self esteem, however I do think it’s funny when he can rip it away in an instant by mentioning someone call you mom.
Just keeping it real; I gotta keep it real!
And I seriously question those people who call Ana “mom”. BTW, mom is not referring Ana as the “Mother of Dragons”, so don’t get too big headed Ana! When you call someone “Mom” or “Dad”, you admire them or are saying that you look up to that person, as if they are like a mother/father figure. Definitely not a Game of Thrones reference!
I agree, and I look forward to the day.
Queen Noor was the wife of former King Hussain, Abdullah’s father.
The Loin didn’t hurt anyone makes perfect sense. Humans are the most dangerous creatures on earth. so if you kill an innocent person, you can shrug and say “well, it was a person,” Bad on you Cenk
I don’t understand the ELCA pastor thing. I worked for an ELCA seminary. They have allowed gay pastors for years. Is this an old story, or did this pastor just not get the memo
and Ana, ELCA Lutherans are so liberal some other Lutherans won’t pray with them. So don’t judge ELCA when you don’t know
The video is not the same as the download video. Entirely different.
Nvm I’m totally totally wrong, I must’ve been mixing up my downloads lol. Sorry!