The Young Turks July 28, 2015 Hour 2

In Membership, The Young Turks Shows - Podcast Audio by klingbeil210 Comments

Ana joins Cenk for SCS. Video of a police officer taunting an arrested homeless man in the station by tossing food at him and treating him like an animal. Rahm Emanuel and rapper Chief Keef are disputing over the artist’s show schedule in Chicago. Rahm has now banned Keef from performing in the city, including his hologram. His made-up reasoning was that Chief Keef’s lyrics are gang affiliated, when the show was supposed to be about ending violence in the community. A Lutheran bishop has come out of the closet and detailed how wrong he was to discriminate and vote against gay members joining the church.


A dentist from Minnesota has been identified as the man that killed a famous lion in Zimbabwe that was known to be friendly toward humans. He bribed someone $55K to lure the lion out of the national park before he shot him with a crossbow and eventually decapitated it. A new ruling allows women with a high level of testosterone to continue to compete against other women without. The phenomenon of “Moss Viewing” is picking up momentum in Japan, where many people gather to analyze and admire moss. Jayar gives his zapped theory on Japan again. San Francisco is trying to minimize their public urination problem by using a repellant paint that causes urine to bounce back onto the pisser.

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