Cenk hosting. The Daily Beast article that highlighted rape allegations in Donald Trump’s divorce proceedings with Ivana Trump have made headlines. She spoke about being being raped by Trump during the marriage after getting a bad and painful plastic surgery job. She has recently changed her interpretation of the rape, calling it totally without merit. Trump’s spokesperson came forward and sent a string of threats at the Daily Beast writer, including asserting that a person cannot rape their spouse. The spox had to eventually apologize for the profanity laced tirade against the writer. Cenk remembers the ad Trump ran in 1989 that called for the death penalty on 5 falsely accused Black men of rape in NYC.
Politico article claims that Jon Stewart had several secret meetings with President Obama in the White House about a variety of important issues. At one point, the WH was hoping to enlist Stewart to help them in a fight against other Progressives. Newt Gingrich still owes $4.6 million to dozens of businesses that provided him services during his ‘12 campaign. The IRS has decided to give up on pursuing Dark Money, according to the NYT.
A Seattle man organized a Heterosexual parade for straight pride. It ended up being a one man parade, all by himself. A group called Global Zero created an ad full of celebrities and diplomatic leaders in support of the Iran deal negotiated by the Administration. An unarmed Black man in Cincinnati was shot and killed by police there on a routine traffic stop. The officer’s body camera caught the incident and will not be released. The cop’s story of what happened has already changed since the video has been reviewed by the authorities. His atty won’t release it, and the police chief has admitted that the video is not good. The city manager also spoke about how bad the tape looked.