Johnny Pie and Ben “The Tank” Mankiewicz hosting. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie officially announced his bid for President. Christie has vetoed bills that expanded voting rights, the Barret .50 cal rifle and a raise in the minimum wage in the state of New Jersey. Christie launched his campaign with the #Tellitlikeitis, with harsh reaction from Twitter, from the likes of Seth Hahn, Michael Phelan, Monana and TYT’s own Richard Fowler.
Senator Ted Cruz appears on Fox and Friends and is defending Donald Trump’s derogatory statements toward illegal immigrants from Mexico saying he speaks the truth and should not apologize. Mexicans have created a unique way of striking back at Donald Trump by creating pinatas from maker Dalton Ramirez. Fox Host Julie Banderas is defending and supporting same sex marriage by highlighting her observations on the matter. A 24 year old female known as “Laura” from Belgium has been suffering from depression along with being institutionalized for 21 years is pursuing the path of euthanasia and Belgium will allow it. The Loyal White Knights of the KKK are planning a rally at the South Carolina capitol building, to show their support of the Confederate Flag.
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