The Young Turks June 24, 2015 Hour 1

In Membership, The Young Turks Shows - Podcast Audio by klingbeil210 Comments

Cenk and John hosting. Bill O’Reilly fought with Kirsten Powers over a debate about whether or not racism is an epidemic in the country. Videos of the two fighting over the state of racism. O’Reilly told Powers to stop snorting over the other guest before she asked if he has any Black friends. Bill Kristol also got argued down over his tweets claiming that the Left isn’t going to stop until all Confederate history is eliminated. Video of John Heilemann pointing out Kristol’s strawman argument.

Since 9/11, nearly 2x as many people have been killed by White terrorists than Muslims. A survey of police and sheriff’s depts cited anti-government entities as more dangerous than Al Qaeda based. Americans’ support for protesters speaking out is high unless its about Black Americans protesting. Black protesters also see their grievances as more legitimate than others.


While speaking at a shooting range, the AP’s photo depicted a poster of a gun on the wall pointed directly at his head. Audio of him telling Mark Levin that this would’ve been seen as an outrage if it were Hillary or Obama with guns being pointed at them, but not with Conservatives. Cenk points out how Cruz loves this trumped up controversy. The military’s zero civilian casualty target when going after ISIS has angered Conservatives like John McCain, who think this is useless, and “an extreme constraint.”

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