The Young Turks May 4, 2015 Hour 2

In Membership, The Young Turks Shows - Podcast Audio by klingbeil210 Comments

Ana replaces John for SCS. The investigation into the shooting of Tamir Rice is slowly ongoing by authorities as they’ve asked the Rice family to drop their civil suit so that the murderous officers can be protected in their criminal case without their civil suit comments being used against them. Before the Mayweather/Pacquiao fight happened on Saturday night, the media closely covered Mayweather’s history of domestic violence that was previously swept under the rug. In response, the Mayweather crew denied press credentials to Rachel Nichols and Michelle Beadle. Rick Santorum spoke out in favor of Bruce Jenner’s gender identity story, claiming that “if he says he’s a woman, then he’s a woman.” Throughout his seemingly thoughtful statement, Santorum mentioned “business” multiple times. Cenk points out that gay business leaders that give them money probably spoke out and told these open bigots to STFU with their anti-gay rhetoric. Others in the business community that aren’t gay are worried about how homophobes are now in the minority, which could hurt their bottom line with consumers.


Madison, WI has passed legislation that would protect Atheists from discrimination, making it the 1st city in the country to do so. Australian cops entered a resident’s home in search of a wanted man and found a “to do” list of a woman that lived there. They posted the list and dubbed it “The Stoner’s To Do List.” Ana thinks the cops made it up to prove that stoner’s are empty minded. The first FDNY firefighter has been allowed to become be put on despite her failure to pass the necessary physical tests.


A Texas high school is dealing with a chlamydia outbreak. The school doesn’t believe in, or have a sex ed program, as they’ve embraced abstinence only education.

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