Carly Fiorina has announced her campaign to run for president on the GOP side. Video of her announcement campaign. John dives into Fiorina’s record as CEO of Hewlett Packard. Video of Fiorina’s old Senate campaign ad that featured a hilariously fake evil sheep. Ben Carson has also announced his bid to become the next president. John reads through some of Carson’s craziest quotes. A waitress in Kansas decided to give the governor a good political statement when she noticed that he was sitting in her section at the restaurant she worked at. Upon delivering the check to him, she cut out the “tip” section and wrote in for him to “tip the schools” since his policies strip the school system in favor of the rich. Despite the note, Brownback left a 10% tip for her. Cenk asks John, a former waiter, if this move was generous or dirty since it was only 10%.
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Texas shooting: Who is Pamela Geller?
Texas Police Name Suspected Gunmen in Cartoon Exhibit Shooting
Dr. Ben Carson gets into the race
Carly Fiorina: ‘I’m Running for President’
Ousted HP Head/Demon Sheep Vanquisher Carly Fiorina Is Now Running For President
The painful, stupid false equivalency begins @ 26:40
I was wondering when you’d show up.. Someone mentioned Muslims without saying “kill them all”, so I knew you’d need to scream about it.
That isn’t what I want. I simply want an acknowledgement that we can rank religions by danger and Islam is #1. That statement doesn’t mean I like the other religions more than Islam. It is a statement of objectivity, not favoritism.
Policy wise, I want to fully withdraw from the region. No bases. No drones.
Religion and religious people SHOULD be condescended to.
I find the argument that someone should self censor for fear of the violent reaction of others cowardly. I think Geller is a cunt. That said, she is RIGHT on THIS issue. Since I live in America, I fully support the antagonizing of ALL bad ideas. The idea that Geller’s event was held out of hate doesn’t diminish the fact that her event should be protected AND promoted.
look at the cunts who are on your side on this. Does that tell you anything?
The side of Free speech? Or the side of bashing Islam? Because in this case they are the same.
Fun fact: Mohammad created rules of war and forced his army to follow them such as no attacking women, children, old people, religious priests/monks/etc. He also said there’s no poisoning water supply, no using diseases animals, etc.
What patent bullshit.
How is it Bullshit? Are assigning BS to those that have transmuted Islam into something that makes it tolerated or encouraged to attack woman, children, elderly, people of the cloth, using poison on the masses? Then I agree with you.
If you are calling TheGodEmporer BS, then you are off target. His comment demonstrates how dynamic and changeable religious beliefs are from day-to-day and individual-to-individual. If every religious believer is to be wrap into culpability of the individual’s who commit the worst acts of violence then you are throwing billions of people who adamantly oppose those actions (for both theological beliefs and the self-evident moral superior stance) into the same lot. Why not just group all humans as culpable of the worst examples of human behavior: you and I are both culpability of Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin, Genghis Khan, etc just because both those assholes and you and I are humans. That’s ridiculous and yet doing that same thing for Muslims is tolerated?
Apologies if your BS assignment was actually towards those that failed to to follow Mohamed’s restricted warfare protocols.
I don’t know if this is racist or sexist, but if it is, my bad. She doesn’t pull off the mask to become a lizard person (like us, what. Shh) She pulls off the mask to become Herman Cain. Another candidate with the same “make up” of the presumptive nominee of the opposing party with no hope of winning. I just hope what’s her name grabbed a penis or two at HP. Otherwise, it was all for nothing
Attaining a doctorate in life does not cure/inoculate you against insanity.
it’s true. 19th century literature is littered with mad scientists, incredibly intelligent, a little less of a grip on morality or reality.
The Republican female running for president seems like she’s trying to sound like Leonard Nemoy
can we get a solo cenk show? or is that not a thing anymore
I like the Cenk and John combo
Yeah, best combo!
At this point I almost like John more than Cenk. At least John is reliable lol
If you guys are such fans of Cenk, can’t you be happy for him when his busy schedule is lightened when people step up to help? Or are you just, selfishly, more concerned about getting what you want, Cenk be damned?
it’s his responsibility to do the show anyway, so we shouldn’t be happy when he is doing it.
Last time I checked, Cenk is one of the founders/bosses of TYT, and so I think what is or what isn’t his responsibility is for him to decide. You might pay your monthly fee, but you don’t get to own Cenk.
You and I are just too same for this fight.
It’s totally tedious.~!
I thnk you’re right. He’s too busy for the show.
People here are putting up money every month and every right to complain if they are not happy with the direction of the show. Better that they voice their complaints, giving TYT a chance to address their issues, than simply cancel their subscription. . I’m happy for Cenk to get a break, but the quality of the show should not suffer as a result. I’m paying the same money to support TYT because I believe in it’s values, but if I keep seeing someone on the show who supports publicly humiliating one’s child, letting people starve on the street and go without healthcare I begin to question if TYT actually shares my values. By the way, this show is not an example of that. I love Johnny Pie and Cenk together.
Who are you referring to that has those dislikable positions?
We fucking pay for this service you goddamned twat. It isn’t free. Once Cenk stops charging me $10 / month, then I will STFU.
God, fuck you.
What a completely rational and level headed response. I’m sure you have a lot of friends.
I wish you were my friend so I could fucking beat your ass.
Your life is a failure. No one likes you and everyone thinks you smell like a whore who just got done licking 12 homeless men’s assholes for free.
Like I said, I wish you were my friend.
The only time I really demand a solo Cenk show is when we have a significant update from Wolf-Pac. When he gets going on how good it feels to win when you’re on the right side, and he builds the moment with clips of ordinary people who have had enough and are fighting back, nothing is better, and no one can substitute for that. Before he’s done talking I’m cutting off a Roman’s head, hurling it back and screaming “Ihr seid verfluchte Hunde!”
When he’s not hosting the show, he’s out there making those victories happen by either increasing the reach of TYT, strengthening the overall brand, expanding the company or directly working in the trenches on Wolf-Pac, and that’s where I want him to be. The only thing I ask is that he get decent hosts to cover while he’s away and return as often as he can. The man isn’t made of steel. He has heart. He has persistence, but if he keeps working like this with no breaks and no vacations, even he will wear himself out. And we need this guy.
The problem is that the substitutes have been pretty poor over the last few weeks. He needs to start rotating in some new blood.