The Young Turks May 4, 2015 Hour 1

In Membership, The Young Turks Shows - Podcast Audio by klingbeil210 Comments

Cenk and John Iadarola hosting. Two men near Dallas were killed when they attempted to attack a Muhammad cartoon contest that was being held at a convention center. One officer was shot, but is ok, while both attackers didn’t survive the gun fight. The event also gathered top anti-Islam advocates to speak on how bad Islam is. Pam Geller organized the event for an organization deemed a hate group by SPLC. Cenk and John are annoyed that these shooters walked right into their plot to have shooters show up, so that they can claim all Muslims are the enemy, and that they can’t handle anyone else’s point of view. Some tweets alluding to the attack just before it was attempted, emanated from one particular account. Geller, who sponsored the event has taken to television to push her propaganda message of hate towards Muslims, calling it illustrative. Videos of Geller arguing with CNN’s Alisyn Camerota about the objective of her event.


Carly Fiorina has announced her campaign to run for president on the GOP side. Video of her announcement campaign. John dives into Fiorina’s record as CEO of Hewlett Packard. Video of Fiorina’s old Senate campaign ad that featured a hilariously fake evil sheep. Ben Carson has also announced his bid to become the next president. John reads through some of Carson’s craziest quotes. A waitress in Kansas decided to give the governor a good political statement when she noticed that he was sitting in her section at the restaurant she worked at. Upon delivering the check to him, she cut out the “tip” section and wrote in for him to “tip the schools” since his policies strip the school system in favor of the rich. Despite the note, Brownback left a 10% tip for her. Cenk asks John, a former waiter, if this move was generous or dirty since it was only 10%.

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