Sen Elizabeth Warren recounts a meeting with Jamie Dimon where they discussed regulatory constraints. When she pointed out that Dimon would be breaking the law if he got the rules he wanted, he smugly smiled and said they should just fine him, since he can afford it. Amazing Face of the Day: after 13 years of Gitmo and over 700 prisoners, only 6 convictions have been obtained. The 56 prisoners that have been cleared to leave but remain, cost U.S. taxpayers $168 million per year. Former Rep Michele Bachmann criticized Obama’s potential Iran deal by comparing it to the German Wings pilot that crashed the airplane full of passengers into mountains. Cenk points out that one political Party’s elected officials say such incendiary things, but the game is to call it even.
After President Obama increased fuel standards for new cars and Republicans lost their minds over it, claiming he would destroy the country over it, no one is talking about how cars after 2013 are emitting 9% less pollution than previous ones. Cars are also getting more MPG than even expected, saving consumers money at the pump.
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I like that new jacket.
$3 mil per yr/per detainee at Qitmo? Does anyone have a breakdown of costs to support this number? Sounds fishy if you compare the annual cost per prisoner in the U.S. – $30k.
Military prison. Do you think Gitmo is run on anything less than “spend what you want?”
I don’t have the breakdown, but it doesn’t seem fishy to me at all. First of all, it’s in a separate country – using a lease that Cuba considers bogus. They essentially consider us to be invaders and we have to defend the entire installation. We have to ship all resources over there, staffing costs which are almost certainly much more expensive, medicine, considerably escalated security – there might be some fishiness in conflating presence costs (the amount it would cost us to be there regardless of whether or not they were keeping prisoners) with cost per prisoner, but it is a totally different – and much more expensive – situation than a conventional jail in the US. (In addition to the fact that there aren’t many price controls on what contractors charge to support an operation like that, while domestic private prisons typically get a fixed amount per prisoner and are squeezing every last dime of profit possible.)
Wow Cenk is a terrible dresser. That jacket is both too light coloured and too small for him.
Yeah, it seems a little tight around the upper arms.